[General bug] Pause feature fail abilities of the heroes


Active member

About what is this report​

The pause in the game has a lot of bugs when interacting with the characters. Their abilities continue to work, even if there is a pause.

Table of bugs​

YamatoView attachment YamatoPauseBug.mp4A copy of Yamato does not cause damage after pressing the pause.
Update: Yamato can change the direction of damage, although the projectile flies in a constant direction. I sent a video of the example below in this message
WardenView attachment WardenPauseBug.mp4The projectile falls and deals damage even after the pause starts.
VindictaView attachment VindictaPauseBug.mp4The ultimate shot may not cause any damage at all
PocketView attachment PocketPauseBug.mp4The big toad disappears during the pause. After pressing the pause, the toad is moved to the maximum distance. And the teleport only works where there was a toad at the moment of pause.
EngineerView attachment Engineer.mp4Placements continue to drop even after the start of the pause
Kelvin FIX PLSView attachment FPS_OMG.mp4Apparently, this only works if the sphere breaks the samples. The longer the pause lasts, the more effects will appear after pressing the pause.
View attachment Deadlock replay 2024 06 27 14 07 clip 1.mp4
Original thread: The hook continues to fly even during a pause. After squeezing, it immediately attracts the target, not giving it the opportunity to dodge


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View attachment RoboKek.mp4
The ability casts begin, but after pressing the pause, the ability passes through the enemy and does not cause damage.
View attachment DynamoUlt.mp4
When the application of the ultimate begins, the camera moves away. However, the pause does not stop the camera from moving away. The camera is also being restored, although the pause is active.