Game Crashes 5-10 a game. 14900k and 4080. Logs posted


New member
Hey, I'm getting a bunch of crashes. Like 5-10 times a match. It immediatedly closes, the game runs fine otherwise. 14900k and a 4080. The game crashes 5-10 times a match. Lots of "Failing to find resource" and thread lock messages as well as some missing network entity messages. I've tried reinstalling, disabling e cores, turning off my vpn, updating my drivers and biosIt runs fine for hours in the sandbox mode. Error log dump below:

990(1627.504994):  VProfLite started.

989(1619.919855):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

988(1619.919852):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

987(1619.919850):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

986(1619.919848):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

985(1619.919846):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

984(1619.919843):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

983(1619.919841):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

982(1619.919839):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

981(1619.919836):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

980(1619.919832):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

979(1619.919830):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

978(1619.919827):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

977(1619.919824):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

976(1619.919809):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

975(1619.919798):  server acknowledged to slot 4 client only predicted into 3 slots, full repredict will occur

974(1616.960604):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

973(1616.960598):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

972(1616.960585):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

971(1603.083368):  Saved user config file 'cfg/user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3

970(1603.083159):  Saved user config file 'cfg/user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1

969(1603.082902):  Saved 'user_convars.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 1343 bytes OK

968(1603.077465):  Saved user config file 'cfg/user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3

967(1603.077129):  Saved user config file 'cfg/user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1

966(1603.076771):  Saved 'user_keys.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 55 bytes OK

965(1603.066005):  Writing configuration for slot 0

964(1603.059862):  Saved video settings config to 'cfg\video.txt'

963(1598.413935):  Recv msg 9175 (k_EMsgClientToGCRecordClientEventsResponse), 19 bytes

962(1598.106524):  Send msg 9174 (k_EMsgClientToGCRecordClientEvents), 37 bytes

961(1597.380498):  Recv msg 9175 (k_EMsgClientToGCRecordClientEventsResponse), 19 bytes

960(1597.106562):  Send msg 9174 (k_EMsgClientToGCRecordClientEvents), 37 bytes

959(1580.294868):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

958(1580.294865):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

957(1580.294855):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

956(1578.827977):  CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "cfg/cached_hero_builds.kv3" ) -> Success at 1578.828

955(1578.731703):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

954(1578.731699):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

953(1578.731690):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

952(1578.731160):  WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "cfg/cached_hero_builds.kv3" ) -> at 1578.731

951(1578.639939):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

950(1578.639929):  **** Panel HeroBuildListItem_1 has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout

949(1578.537360):  CQ enabled, using client-controlled JIT async send mode

948(1578.473105):  CL:  Signon traffic "server":  incoming 64.359 KB [22 pkts], outgoing 2.729 KB [467 pkts]

947(1578.473087):  server @ =[A:1:1351512092:30097]:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds

946(1577.338143):  ApplyOverrides_R: failed to find field 'm_flCycle' in class 'C_CitadelPlayerPawn'

945(1577.332745):  Created physics for street_test

944(1577.317469):  Receiving 24.4K non-incremental update from server

943(1577.317458):  CNetworkGameClientBase::OnReceivedUncompressedPacket(), received full update

942(1576.416793):  **** Unable to localize '#CitadelItemSlotFavorites' on panel 'CitadelHudHeroShop'

941(1576.416157):  CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )

940(1576.416154):  Host activate: Remote Connect (=[A:1:1351512092:30097])

939(1576.416127):  CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done

938(1576.415807):  HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done

937(1576.415806):  HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {

936(1576.415801):  CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {

935(1576.415466):  CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded

934(1575.699137):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/foliage/materials/joe_pye_weed_01.vmat!

933(1575.699006):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_city/materials/skylight_rooftop01.vmat!

932(1575.695398):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/architecture/windows/materials/window_bars_a.vmat!

931(1575.690990):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/megascans/prickly_shield_fern_omlccjih2/fern_garden_01.vmat!

930(1575.680912):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/megascans/plant_perennials_pgplz2/plant_garden_01.vmat!

929(1575.680464):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/megascans/hibiscus_tiliaceus_sfpufipf2/leaves_garden_02.vmat!

928(1575.679971):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/props_nature/leaves_01.vmat!

927(1575.676173):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_street/materials/street_trash.vmat!

926(1575.670898):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_vehicles/materials/classic_car_01.vmat!

925(1575.668311):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_street/materials/pot_long_leaves.vmat!

924(1575.647233):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_street/materials/trash_bag.vmat!

923(1575.645284):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_structures/materials/chapel_window_01.vmat!

922(1575.642668):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_nature/materials/tree_street_leaves_01.vmat!

921(1575.635136):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_city/materials/pigeon_coop01.vmat!

920(1575.436461):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/abilities/materials/ice_dome_activator.vmat!

919(1575.427804):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/shifting_shroud_invuln_shield.vmat!

918(1575.405569):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/ghost_blood_bomb_bands.vmat!

917(1575.402574):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/heavy_melee.vmat!

916(1575.402505):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/archer_charged_shot_explode_model.vmat!

915(1575.397853):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/heroes_staging/vindicta/crow/materials/crow_body_feathers.vmat!

914(1575.396849):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/heroes_staging/vindicta/crow/materials/crow_feathers.vmat!

913(1575.394668):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/abilities/materials/ice_path_icicle.vmat!

912(1575.389156):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/flare_noise_swirl.vmat!

911(1575.386155):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/heroes_staging/vindicta/crow/materials/crow_eye.vmat!

910(1575.355759):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_initial_r.vmat!

909(1575.355376):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_names_o.vmat!

908(1575.354605):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/gold_coin_multi.vmat!

907(1575.353388):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_names_p.vmat!

906(1575.353228):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_initial_p.vmat!

905(1575.353065):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_names_y.vmat!

904(1575.352920):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_initial_y.vmat!

903(1575.352750):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_initial_o.vmat!

902(1575.352518):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_names_mask.vmat!

901(1575.352369):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_names_r.vmat!

900(1575.352198):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in models/props_gameplay/materials/zip_lane_initial_mask.vmat!

899(1575.345358):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/tier2boss_barrage_projectile_shell.vmat!

898(1573.009742):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/soul_jar_drop_core_model.vmat!

897(1573.008468):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/models/particle/generic_soul_orb_shell.vmat!

896(1573.008043):  Texture g_tTrans doesn't exist in materials/particle/abilities/mirage/mirage_tornado.vmat!

895(1573.000393):  CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 593.074458ms

894(1572.045125):  Failed to find or register resource "" for external reference: referring resource is models/props_gameplay/wooden_crate_03/wooden_crate_03.vmdl

893(1572.044658):  Failed to find or register resource "" for external reference: referring resource is models/props_gameplay/jar_01/jar_01.vmdl

892(1572.034394):  Failed to find or register resource "" for external reference: referring resource is models/props_gameplay/wooden_crate_02/wooden_crate_02.vmdl

891(1571.990166):  Failed loading resource "materials/skybox/tests/src/light_test_sky_sunset.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)

890(1571.100362):  CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 12.412 msec

889(1571.098798):  Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover

888(1571.097447):  Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode

887(1571.087401):  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)

886(1571.087392):  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true

885(1571.016940):  Server info: m_nServerCount:3 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:7 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:1351512092:30097]

884(1571.008237):  ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000370 seconds

883(1571.007803):  ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".

882(1571.007343):  CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules

881(User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available