Game crash


New member

Match 3794494.

Less than 10 seconds into start game crashed after hitting D key and tab key same time. Game would not launch after, could not check intergity and had to redownload. Rejoined game then afterwards the game closed on me before EoM. After relaunch.. was told I had a temp ban due to leaving.

Please dont give me a temp ban due to game crashing.

Thank you.


Last edited:

Match 3794494.

Less than 10 seconds into start game crashed after hitting D key and tab key same time. Game would not launch after, could not check intergity and had to redownload. Rejoined game then afterwards the game closed on me before EoM. After relaunch.. was told I had a temp ban due to leaving.

Please dont give me a temp ban due to game crashing.

Thank you.
I had somewhat the same issue, though my game just froze mid match and it crashed so hard I had to kill steam from the command line. When I finally got back in I also had a temp ban, which was really aggravating.