Got temporarily banned (30 minutes) for quitting out of Lane Training


New member
I started a match with some friends and immediately got the fixed camera bug (which I've gotten in 10+ matches at this point). Tried all the suggested fixes but nothing worked, and so, not wanting to spend 30 minutes throwing a match because I can't move my camera, I quit out. I went into Lane Training in the "Learn to Play" tab afterwards out of curiosity, and the bug was no longer occurring. Still, I was doubtful that joining another live match would yield better results, so I decided to go see if I had any driver updates. I quit out, updated my Nvidia driver, and opened the game back up. However, when I tried to rejoin Lane Training to see if it was working, the game told me that I was "temporarily banned from playing in this mode" for 30 minutes.

Lane Training is a bots-only mode, so why did quitting out of this match assign me a ban? I understand that temp bans are a necessary evil to ward off early quitters, but this just feels unfair.
I am pretty sure you did not get banned for the lane training but the game you left before. Probably people have reported you for leaving the game and if it wasn't your first game you left you might have accumulated some reports.
I've never got this fixed camera bug, but it does remind me of something. Are you sure you didn't press the key bound to "toggle free cursor"? I think it's default j or k or something.

Aside from that, it sounds like you very likely could've been banned for leaving an actual match, just that something had to process.
I am pretty sure you did not get banned for the lane training but the game you left before. Probably people have reported you for leaving the game and if it wasn't your first game you left you might have accumulated some reports.
same thing happened to me. It is definitely a bug.