Game Breaking Stutters and Rubberbanding


New member
I can't seem to recreate this in a private lobby, and have no recordings of it happening to me currently. Deadlock doesn't play nice half the time with shadowplay.

I have a 5800x3d and a 4080, this kind of issue has never happened to me in any other game. It is not internet related, again this never happens in any other online games.

Anyway, it very reliably happens to me on Mo & Krill when I'm burrowing with Torment Pulse going through creep waves. I'll get pretty severe stutters and rubberbanding and will actually lose movement because my character is rubberbanding in place but Burrow's timer is still going down. The image is my usual item setup when it happens. But to be clear this isn't a Mo & Krill issue, it happens to me on any hero I play.

When the game starts getting more intense around 10 mins or so, and the fights become more frequent, my game doesn't seem to be able to handle all of the particle effects. I'll get some stutters and move erratically, but then rubberband back to where I was a few seconds beforehand. Usually dead because the bug got me killed. This doesn't happen nonstop, but it will happen many times in a game. It's hard to play in these conditions.


I've changed my graphics settings, tried vsync, limiting frames, updating to the latest drivers, verifying game integrity. Short of clean installing windows, I've exhausted my options
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I don't think it's you. A lot of people are having this issue now out of the blue since last patch. Before, I didn't have any rubberbanding or stutters either but I got them in the matches I played before heading to work. I have a 4080 and 5800x too.

So I wouldn't worry about it.
Game is pretty much unplayable after patch for me. Frame rates are 20-50 lower than prior to the patch and it dips harder somehow after that even when not under heavy load.

Windows 10 22h2
Intel i7-8700k cpu @ 4.6GHz
Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080
32GB DDR4 3200
1920x1080 (280hz)
I don't think it's you. A lot of people are having this issue now out of the blue since last patch. Before, I didn't have any rubberbanding or stutters either but I got them in the matches I played before heading to work. I have a 4080 and 5800x too.

So I wouldn't worry about it.
I forgot to mention, this has been an issue before the latest patch. I prayed this patch would've fixed it, but no luck. So I'm a bit worried because it's been happening for over a month with no fix
Here's a clip from my game today. I didn't get the massive stallout and then rubberband. But you can see all these microstutters and it appears like I'm constantly rubberbanding and not gaining as much ground as I should be.


I forgot to mention, this has been an issue before the latest patch. I prayed this patch would've fixed it, but no luck. So I'm a bit worried because it's been happening for over a month with no fix

It was only an issue for me after that last major patch. I played a couple matches yesterday and one tonight before work and I didn't have any issues, so whatever it was for me probably fixed it.

But I saw a lot of new cases of people reporting this after the major patch so I assumed that was it.