Game appeared to be paused after internet connection loss


New member
MATCH 2106896 - around 11:45 PM GMT +2
Briefly lost connection to the internet through my ethernet cable. Initially just seemed like what would happen when losing and regaining internet connection but once internet connection was regained, the game was stuck in the state it was when connection was lost. I could still hear the game going on as well as when people got kills and every other thing going on in the game. Apparently i still could control the character according to a friend playing with me but my client was stuck in that limbo state. Heres a clip to better show what happened (ignore the swearing).
Yeah, happens with me too. What I do to fix it is to manually turn off the internet on my pc, wait for the game to kick me to the menu screen and then turn my internet back on, rejoin and it should start working again