Match ID 4789844
I was Dynamo, and had a connection issue for a few seconds. After my connection stabilized, some of the game audio continued, but the game was bugged out. My teammates in Discord told me I was back at base after dying. It seemed some of my actions were being transmitted to the servers, meaning it was reading that I was using spells, but my screen was still frozen. I could move my camera angle around, but that's it. The game would also keep telling me the killfeed, but would not process it correctly. (image attached of the killfeed)
I'm not sure what other details I can give, but to sum up. Connection was unstable for a few moments. My game had normal lag during these moments. Once my connection stabilized, my game was in a somewhat frozen state. Could move my camera angle around. Kill feed and announcers were still somewhat working. Had to Quit out of the game and reconnect to fix issue.

I was Dynamo, and had a connection issue for a few seconds. After my connection stabilized, some of the game audio continued, but the game was bugged out. My teammates in Discord told me I was back at base after dying. It seemed some of my actions were being transmitted to the servers, meaning it was reading that I was using spells, but my screen was still frozen. I could move my camera angle around, but that's it. The game would also keep telling me the killfeed, but would not process it correctly. (image attached of the killfeed)
I'm not sure what other details I can give, but to sum up. Connection was unstable for a few moments. My game had normal lag during these moments. Once my connection stabilized, my game was in a somewhat frozen state. Could move my camera angle around. Kill feed and announcers were still somewhat working. Had to Quit out of the game and reconnect to fix issue.