Match id: 35156
Frozen Shelter and Spectral Wall will remain spawned in game even after the entity duration runs out. A lot of these entities drastically reduce performance of the game.
Sys info:
Frozen Shelter and Spectral Wall will remain spawned in game even after the entity duration runs out. A lot of these entities drastically reduce performance of the game.
Sys info:
Computer Information:
Form Factor: Desktop
No Touch Input Detected
Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD
CPU Brand: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
CPU Family: 0x17
CPU Model: 0x71
CPU Stepping: 0x0
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 4208 MHz
12 logical processors
6 physical processors
Hyper-threading: Supported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Supported
SSSE3: Supported
SSE4a: Supported
SSE41: Supported
SSE42: Supported
AES: Supported
AVX: Supported
AVX2: Supported
AVX512F: Unsupported
AVX512PF: Unsupported
AVX512ER: Unsupported
AVX512CD: Unsupported
AVX512VNNI: Unsupported
SHA: Supported
CMPXCHG16B: Supported
LAHF/SAHF: Supported
PrefetchW: Unsupported
Operating System Version:
"Arch Linux" (64 bit)
Kernel Name: Linux
Kernel Version: 6.9.1-zen1-2-zen
X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
X Server Release: 12401000
X Window Manager: KWin
Steam Runtime Version: <Runtime disabled>
Video Card:
Driver: AMD AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT (radeonsi, navi22, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.9.1-zen1-2-zen)
Driver Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.8-arch1.1
OpenGL Version: 4.6
Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 119 Hz
VendorID: 0x1002
DeviceID: 0x73df
Revision Not Detected
Number of Monitors: 2
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Desktop Resolution: 3840 x 1080
Primary Display Size: 20.87" x 11.81" (23.98" diag), 53.0cm x 30.0cm (60.9cm diag)
Primary VRAM: 12288 MB
Sound card:
Audio device: ATI R6xx HDMI
RAM: 32006 Mb
VR Hardware:
VR Headset: None detected
UI Language: English
Total Hard Disk Space Available: 110601 MB
Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 6502 MB
Number of SSDs: 5
SSD sizes: 3000G,1024G,1024G,1000G,120G
Number of HDDs: 0
Number of removable drives: 0
> sys_info
--- System Information ---
Uptime( 391.539944 )
Total frames( 82786 )
Curtime( 387.481781 )
Realtime( 386.367523 )
Current Map: '<empty>'
VPK overrides:
SpawnCount: 1
Command Line: "project8.exe" -console -noassert +@panorama_min_comp_layer_cache_cost_TURNED_OFF 256 -convars_visible_by_default -vulkan -high -threads 12 -freq 144
Launch path: Z:\BTRFS\steam_games\steamapps\common\Project8Staging\game\bin\win64\project8.exe
Build: 10073 (revision 8939331)
OS: Windows 10 Pro (Build: 19043) (Administrator User)
OS type: Windows 10 (17)
Windows Game DVR: not enabled
Windows Game Mode: not active
App UI Language: english, convar english, localization english_US
Windows user default LCID: 0x0409
App active: yes, 0ms inactive sleep
Number of immediate Steam friends: 72 (all friends 228)
Steam UGC subscriptions: unavailable
Misc: rate 196608 update 128 latency 0 msec
Net: loopback:1
Time: Fri May 31 12:04:58 2024
Process: 64-bit, OS: 64-bit
Process priority: high, main thread priority: normal
CPUs: 12 CPUs (6 cores), Frequency: 3.6 GHz, Features: F/M/S 23/113/0 AuthenticAMD SSE SSE2 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 MMX RDTSC RDTSCP CMOV FCMOV PCLMULQDQ
CPU brand information: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Engine thread pool: 11 thread(s)
Render system: Vulkan
Driver Name: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT (RADV NAVI22)
Driver Version:
VendorId / DeviceId: 0x1002 / 0x73df
SubSystem / Rev: 0x0 / 0x0
DXLevel: 111
Texture memory: 11,328,831,488
Vid: Borderless Window, render at 1920 x 1080, display at 1920 x 1080, refresh rate 0.00Hz (120Hz desktop)
Texture data resident: 865,356,872 (panorama_rt 11,492,188; panorama_tex 16,908,000)
Version:14, aspectratiomode:0, cl_particle_fallback_base:0, cl_particle_fallback_multiplier:0.000000,
coop_fullscreen:0, cpu_level:1, csm_max_shadow_dist_override:4096.000000, defaultres:1920,
defaultresheight:1080, fullscreen:0, fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss:0, gpu_level:3,
gpu_mem_level:3, high_dpi:0, knowndevice:0, lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades:true,
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value:1, mat_viewportscale:1.000000, mat_vsync:0,
mem_level:2, nowindowborder:1, r_arealights:true, r_citadel_distancefield_ao_quality:0,
r_citadel_distancefield_reflections:false, r_citadel_distancefield_shadows:false,
r_citadel_fsr_upsample:2, r_citadel_fxaa:1, r_citadel_half_res_noisy_effects:true,
r_citadel_ssao_quality:4, r_dashboard_render_quality:1, r_depth_of_field:true,
r_displacement_mapping:1, r_effects_bloom:true, r_env_map_uses_height_map:1, r_fullscreen_gamma:2.200000,
r_grass_quality:2, r_particle_depth_feathering:true, r_post_bloom:true, r_render_portals:1,
r_screen_space_shadows:false, r_texture_stream_mip_bias:0, recommendedheight:1080,
refreshrate_denominator:0, refreshrate_numerator:0, shaderquality:1, useadvanced:1,
volume_fog_depth:64, volume_fog_height:128, volume_fog_width:128,
Scene information:
Begin to finish rendering views : 0.000259
Finish to complete : 0.000196
Number of views allocated : 6
Triangles rendered: 0
Draw calls: 0
SceneObjects drawn: 0 in 0 batchlists
0 base, 0 animated
Material changes: 0 (0 depth-only)
0 initial materials (0 initial depth-only) (0 fast-path depth-only)
Unbatchable material draws: 0
Lights in view (unshadowed+shadowed): 0+0 omni, 0+0 spot, 0+0 barn 0 env 0 lpv
Culling: 0 objects pre-cull (0 tested), 0 passing culling
cpu culling: [vis 0] [vol 0] [dist 0] [size 0]
gpu culling: [vis 0] [frust 0] [occ 0] [vol 0] [bface 0] [size 0]
Number of transforms, instances allocated: 1 (0kb), 1 (0kb)
Per-frame scratch memory used: 0 bytes (high watermark 196.61 KB)
Number of contexts created: 4 primary
Number of display lists submitted: 10
Number of views rendered: 4 (0 with world traversals)
Number of jobs used to render: 4
Number of rendertarget binds: 4
Number of pushconstant sets: 0
0 particle systems rendered
0 material binds for particles
0 draw calls for particles
Maximum device access threads: 29
Checked pending presents 82,783 times; waited 2,708 times; abandoned 0 times
Texture memory: 825 / 9,780 MB; in 527 textures (771 MB non-evictable)
Textures created overall: 3,667; textures evicted: 0
Command stream pools: 4,718,592 bytes in base, 0 bytes in medium, 0 bytes in large (0 extra data fallbacks)
Vulkan Total Mem: 1,209.82 MB; Fragmentation: 209.64 MB; PMB mem: 141.38 MB; command buffers: 1,024
Vulkan framebuffers: 0; renderpasses: 0
Vulkan pipelines: 79; pipeline layouts: 80
Material count: 155
Material generation: 53
Process Memory:
Working set: 1671.35 MiB
Peak working set: 1767.45 MiB
Heap: standard allocator pass-through to low-level
Low-level allocator: jemalloc
System Memory:
Memory load: 28%
Total physical memory: 32006.57 MiB
Free physical memory: 22856.10 MiB
Total page file: 32006.58 MiB
Free page file: 22856.10 MiB
Localization stats for english data:
36,577 tokens; 36,589 instances (36,589 from 8 files; 0 not file-based)
string data: 1,573,056 bytes (325 bytes of padding) in 24 blocks
2,359,296 bytes for token lookup; 589,824 bytes for instance info
total memory allocated: 4,522,176 bytes
ConVars (non-default):
var value default
citadel_favorite_hero_builds 1=0;2=0;3=0;4=0;6=0;7=0;8=0;10=0
citadel_hero_roster 17,31,2,3
citadel_new_player_progress 14 0
citadel_playtest_warning_count 1 0
citadel_previous_umuted_audio_level 0.504249 1
citadel_show_npe_modal false true
cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_mode 1 3
cl_interp_ratio 1 2
cl_updaterate 128 20
csm_max_shadow_dist_override 4096 -1
db_default_bot_difficulty 2 1
engine_cpu_info_extended 12 CPUs (6 cores), Frequency: 3.
engine_ostype Windows 10
engine_platform_name_extended pc64
engine_rendersystem_init -vulkan
engine_rendersystem_shader_model 111 0
engine_rendersystem_used -vulkan (from CL)
fps_max_ui 400 120
hostname Xinayder
last_viewed_announce_id 15 -1
lb_csm_override_bulb_radius 128 -1
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades true false
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value 1 -1
name Xinayder unnamed
panorama_console_position_and_size 182.00|97.00|1000.00|800.00
r_add_views_in_pre_output true false
r_citadel_distancefield_reflections false true
r_citadel_distancefield_shadows false true
r_citadel_ssao_quality 4 3
r_grass_alpha_test 1 0
r_post_bloom true false
r_screen_space_shadows false true
r_texture_pool_size 9780 1600
r_texturefilteringquality 3 1
rate 196608 786432
sc_layer_batch_threshold_fullsort 20 80
sc_max_framebuffer_copies_per_layer 2147483647 1
sensitivity 1.5 1.25
snd_musicvolume 0.498584 1
snd_mute_losefocus false true
sound_device_override Source2SDLDefaultDevice
soundsystem_device_used PulseAudio Output
sv_parallel_checktransmit 2 0
think_limit 0 10
voice_device_override #OS_Default_Device
voice_threshold_attack 0.3 0.03
voice_threshold_delay 0.7 0.05
voice_threshold_hold 0.2 0.1
volume 0.086402 1
volume_fog_depth 64 128
volume_fog_height 128 160
volume_fog_width 128 240
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