Friend invite stuck in limbo


New member
I invited a few friends back in June, two of them were accepted, but one still has not received an invite.
I've since invited another friend after the newest system was implemented, and they got in after a few hours.

It's been a few months now, and I've seen other posts about invite backlogs being cleared out, but I'm worried his invite hasn't processed properly.
Can anything be done for the last person of my friend group? There doesn't seem to be a way to resend the invite in the new UI.

Thanks a bunch
I have the same problem with a friend he has from a bunch of friends invites even same time then me an he still didint get acces is there somthing maybe that prevents peopel from getting in the alpha?
Bumping, I've invited another person that got in last week, so this is definitely still a problem.
This person was added to my Steam friends the same day I invited them, they got an invite after 2 days.

Desperately needing some way to resend an invite or to better report that our friends can't get in.
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