New member

Hi everyone ! I'm Sahoko, and let me introduce you to Foam ! A reimaginsation of the original Haze design as a squid woman from The Deep !
You have the visual now for the abilities and lore :
A Fate’s Tale :
“With the progress of occult research since the first Maelstrom, humanity has started to search for answers to the mysteries of the earth. Long supernatural mysteries, the surface of the moon, the alternate dimensions, death even. But the Deep waters were something that still needed to be explored. Foam has been permanently changed when the oceans got charged with occult energies, to the point she barely recognized what she was, a simple squid. Seeing this change as an advantage, she started entering contact with humanity, who were now familiar with strange people from other dimensions. .
She gained their confidence, and started a business of diving, allowing her to create magical bubbles that served to survive the pressure of the depths and the lack of oxygen. She gained money, and humans gained knowledge of the seas, a fair deal.
Then the Adversary came.
This creature from another plane started rampaging across the Bermuda triangle, killing every living thing in sight, sea creatures and humans alike.
Feeling her business is compromised, Foam took actions to gain The Cursed Apple with her trusty diving hook, her gun flare (being tinkered a bit to serve as a weapon), and her conch, to have a chance to participate in the ritual, and return to her previous life.”
Abilities :
0. Main weapons : Breath and Hope
Breath : Shoot a rapid and direct projectile. Can Headshot.
Hope : Shoot a rapid and explosive bullet. Can headshot, but for half the shot.
- Ink Spray
Foam spit a powerful shot of Ink, dealing 75 spirit damage, and blinding the target caught in the spit. The Blinding makes them miss 80% of their shot (if you are the player getting caught, your screen becomes blurred) .
CD : 27 / Spirit scaling : 0.8 / AoE : In a cone in front of her / Max range : 7 meters
Ability upgrades.
1AP : +75 damage and -7 CD
2AP : +2m max range
5AP : +1 sec blind and now slows for 20%
- Grappling Hook
Foam sling her Grappling hook to a hero or a surface, reaching him after a travel time. If the target is a hero, whether he’s an ally or an enemy, she will commit to the move. If it reaches a surface, she can choose to return the hook or commit to the travel. The hook deals no damage to heroes.
Charges : 1/ CD per charge : 20 sec / CD : 1 / Range : 30m
Ability upgrades :
1AP : +1 charge
2AP : +7.5 m of range and make the travel time 25% quicker
5AP : Refunds half of the charge CD if the target is a Surface.
- Dual Wield
Passive : Foam reinforces the bullets of her guns. Breath deals Spirit damage but deals 50% less damage. Hope explosion now inflicts a burn that deals bullet damage in 2,5 seconds , equal to 15% of the damage of weapon damage.
Spirit Scaling : 0.4 (only for Breath’s Bullets)
Ability upgrades :
1AP : +10% lifesteal
2AP : +0,75 m Hope AoE and 0.15 scaling for Breath’s bullets
5AP : Damage penalty of Breath is reduced to 75% and increases scaling of the burn by 5%.
- Lullaby of the Deep (or Omniknight ult at home )
Foam blows in her conch, calling the power of the Deep, to protect herself and her allies, gaining a shield that blocks all weapon damage. After the end of the duration, the bubble pop, slowing the
CD : 120 seconds / Range : 12 m around Foam / Duration : 5 seconds /
Ability upgrades :
1AP : -25 seconds of CD
2AP : Increase range by 2.5 m and increase duration by 1
5AP : The allies that are bubbled are also purged from CC (not debuffs and not immuned after the initial purge), and receive 20% more healing from all sources.