I used majestic leap and I just kept flying in that direction until I activated the second part of majestic leap.
Game ID: 100149
At about 21 minutes on Lady Geist.
It happened again but twice in this game. The one at 33 min was particularly bad because when I tried to leap down it boosted me upwards again.
Game ID: 119808
23:10 and 33:25 on Lady Geist.
So after some testing I've figured out what is happening and how to replicate it.
When you hit a wall with the first part of majestic leap and activate the 2nd part while looking at the wall it accelerates you either over the wall or at the angle you are looking at. Leading to you either getting stuck, flying across the map, or climbing the building. Hope this helps. View attachment leap bug 2_2.mp4