Floating character model?


New member
I was by myself playing with bots today and went into the enemy base when I saw a character model floating in the air paused mid-animation with a rainbow effect on it (not an actual player). I'm not super familiar with the game so I don't know who it is, what the animation is, or where the rainbow effect is from, but I took a screenshot of it so you can see for yourself. I wish I had more information to share but it was already like this when I found it. Also looking at the screenshot now I'm realizing that there's a beam coming out the side of the model going somewhere off-screen. I didn't notice it during gameplay unfortunately so I don't know where that's going.bugreport.jpg
Same thing happened again today. Here's the screenshot. Same spot but in the opposite base. Similar animation to the last one, so I'm guessing it's the animation for grabbing onto the ziplines? I don't remember what they're called.
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A couple more times today, one of which was in spectator. I'm thinking maybe it's from characters trying to hook on to the powerline when there's a wall or ceiling in the way.bugreport3.jpg
This happens quite a lot in Bot Versus matches, not a clue what causes it, but the bots tend to get stuck in Spawn. But can happen elsewhere. They get properly stuck there until they get killed.

I've tried rescue beaming them out of the stuck position but 80% of time they just get stuck again.

The bots in general are pretty buggy at the moment, I'm sure it'll get sorted at some point but makes practice a bit all over the place haha
While these guys are usually frozen still, this time the one on the left was shaking and the one on the right was spinning. So, a bit different than usual. Match ID: 33248495. Remembered to catch the match ID this time. I know the match ID is in the screenshot, but I thought it might be too hard to read.
OK so I figured out how to download a demo of my last match and replay it, and I found the exact moment that this happens. At 26 minutes into the match from my last reply following Lady Geist you can watch it happen. She jumps up to try and grab onto the line but she's positioned in a way where she ends up colliding with that ceiling, getting stuck on it.