Exploit: Landing on an enemy walker prevents it from attacking

There are two components to this bug:

1) You can attack an enemy walker while straddling its top, and so long as you don't touch ground it won't stomp. If it does stomp due to nearby minions/teammates, the stomp won't stun the walker-riding target. This alone makes it easy for characters who can land on walkers to enable dives for their team, and effectively "tank" the walker. It also makes defending from an effectively ahead attacker nearly impossible.


2) This gets much worse if you land on the walker's "stomach," because then the walker is fully subdued and will not attack.

You can easily test this in a test map by turning off player death and jumping onto the walker for yourself, as seen in the below clip:

Quick recording from a custom game:

Lash seems like the easiest hero to replicate this with due to Grapple (2) and Superior Stamina, but any hero should be able to reproduce this with similar movement options from shop. A Lash player in my recent game was able to do this on Purple walker (I don't have a time stamp because the Replay is Not Yet Ready), if you'd like to see it's efficacy in a real game.

Match ID: 28869447

Note: I see this discussed once elsewhere (in September) regarding a minion being on top of a minion. Another player posted about "taming enemy walker" in this forum post in early October.
Bump & thank you for posting this, I've seen an Ivy doing this where they jump up and sit near the walker's eye / "stomach" and it can't even do damage to them. Doesn't help that solo walker destruction speed is out of hand.