Dreaming About Skins


New member
Let’s talk about how you envision the skin system. Do you think it will be like in Dota, where you can buy up to seven items for one character, or will it be more like one skin equals one character? We can really dream big here.

Imagine skins for weapons, charms, breaking characters down into components and dressing them up in endless combinations of colors and styles. Maybe even selling just individual paint elements, which would allow for billions of customization options across different characters. Or perhaps Valve will give skin creators complete freedom, allowing for maximum experimentation. Just imagine skins with the same quality levels as in CS, with conditions like Field-Tested, etc., and skin floats, so those into trading could have even more fun ( followed by a 7-day trade ban, of course :ROFLMAO:).

It would be awesome to see something like an Infernus + Bebop skin where creators have full freedom to design—a fiery Infernus in a robotic style, with a prosthetic arm that shoots fire instead of a regular hand. This is just a seed of imagination that can grow endlessly!

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us, and maybe Valve will take some of our ideas into account! :0

The only thing I care about, in terms of skins, is that the heroes remain identifiable without having to obsessively play. If someone takes a break for a few months and several skins are released, they should still be able to tell who is who when they get back and not go, "The hell is that?!"

Other than that, sky's the limit.
The only thing I care about, in terms of skins, is that the heroes remain identifiable without having to obsessively play. If someone takes a break for a few months and several skins are released, they should still be able to tell who is who when they get back and not go, "The hell is that?!"

Other than that, sky's the limit.
Yes, there should be some kind of micro documentation or explanation for the character, detailing up to what points the character can be modified.
Definitely, no floating and ultra epic rare floats as Case Hardened AK-47 please. I dont wanna read how Chinese incognito player pays 50 mil $ when i’m rubbing with 10$. :D
Now to serious parts, really depends, i dont think that creators will have much free hands of cause the game aesthetics and colour palette. So i dont think there will be some massive flop skins shining trough whole map.
What i hope, we got annoucers like in Dota 2 or map skins(please).
The only thing I care about, in terms of skins, is that the heroes remain identifiable without having to obsessively play. If someone takes a break for a few months and several skins are released, they should still be able to tell who is who when they get back and not go, "The hell is that?!"

Other than that, sky's the limit.
This! This right here! This is my only real gripe (other than some game's laughable prices) about cosmetics in a game like this. I've played competitive games where I'm trying to figure out who the heck X player is, only to realize its so-and-so in a skin so wildly different that I cannot recognize the character short of familiarity with the skin. ROFL. I hate that.
This! This right here! This is my only real gripe (other than some game's laughable prices) about cosmetics in a game like this. I've played competitive games where I'm trying to figure out who the heck X player is, only to realize its so-and-so in a skin so wildly different that I cannot recognize the character short of familiarity with the skin. ROFL. I hate that.
true, but all the vindicta (simp)athisers will obviously complain the instant she has a skin with some semblance of foot cover i bet (For legal reasons, this is a joke.)

I hope Bebop gets some skins that are just fun paintjobs he has... oh wait! All the skins better have more lore to them too!

... and Seven skins? Oh, that'd be kinda difficult... though, it'd be fun to see him wearing Lash's shirt just for the heck of hating him... wait, maybe even custom voicelines for the skins?

Lash: "Ooh, yeah. I'm just showing off all my glorious guns and shields."
Kelvin: "Guns and shields? You only have your one gun... and being shirtless isn't a shield."
Lash: "Oh yeah I don't? Well, count in Theresa and Bertha right here!" *fist smack sound* "They're the only guns I'll ever need... and about the damn shirt, you can blame that drainpipe lightbulb boy."
Definitely, no floating and ultra epic rare floats as Case Hardened AK-47 please. I dont wanna read how Chinese incognito player pays 50 mil $ when i’m rubbing with 10$. :D
Now to serious parts, really depends, i dont think that creators will have much free hands of cause the game aesthetics and colour palette. So i dont think there will be some massive flop skins shining trough whole map.
What i hope, we got annoucers like in Dota 2 or map skins(please).

Well, I think there will either be full skins, which is more likely than not, and they will be fixed. But I would like to be able to change some parts of the skins on the weapons. However, I think this is still very, very far away. But this is not CS, so there won’t be a Chinese player buying a skin for $50 billion. :ROFLMAO: 👍
true, but all the vindicta (simp)athisers will obviously complain the instant she has a skin with some semblance of foot cover i bet (For legal reasons, this is a joke.)

I hope Bebop gets some skins that are just fun paintjobs he has... oh wait! All the skins better have more lore to them too!

... and Seven skins? Oh, that'd be kinda difficult... though, it'd be fun to see him wearing Lash's shirt just for the heck of hating him... wait, maybe even custom voicelines for the skins?

Lash: "Ooh, yeah. I'm just showing off all my glorious guns and shields."
Kelvin: "Guns and shields? You only have your one gun... and being shirtless isn't a shield."
Lash: "Oh yeah I don't? Well, count in Theresa and Bertha right here!" *fist smack sound* "They're the only guns I'll ever need... and about the damn shirt, you can blame that drainpipe lightbulb boy."
Haha, I think if Lash gets a Tarzan skin from the cartoon, it would be the perfect combination.
Lash arcana where its just him with his shirt off, with special voice lines that play throughout the match where the patron repeatedly asks Lash to please put his shirt back on
Developers, maybe it’s time to think about it? For some reason, everyone here loves to undress Lash. :ROFLMAO:
Lash arcana where its just him with his shirt off, with special voice lines that play throughout the match where the patron repeatedly asks Lash to please put his shirt back on

Patron of <insert team here>: "Please, dear Lash. We understand your goals; but, for the sake of this one moment, may our eyes be spared?"
Lash: "Nope! No can do! Nada! Not one bit!"