double trooper EXP and possible solution.


Active member
Know it's not a "BUG", but this probably works not as intented, so its kind of a bug, i hope devs will clarify if its a real intention. As people might know there's a new strat to run from a duo lane to solo mid creep wave, to get as much souls as possible due to x2 mechanics that works first 10 minutes of the game. And people already show how gamebreaking this strat is, with a lead of 20-50% of souls in a laning phase of the game which its devestating for the enemy team, its not engaging any pvp activity, and its not a fun gameplay overall.

Idk if people arelady discussed a possible solution, we spoked with some people and come to a conclusion that maybe each trooper wave should grand you maybe a hidden attribute which allows you to farm x2 only from this lane. For example, if im a duo and my buddy kills a creep in this wave, we both can clear only this lane of this wave of troopers for x2 souls, and when the next wave arrives this hidden debuff is expired and we can continue farming, but if im to go to another lane to get extra, i wont be able to get x2 bonus from that wave (though that solo guy whos still farming this lane getting x2 even if you're to kill a trooper), untill the next wave arrives, and if i cleared that wave aswell i wont be able to get x2 when im back in my lane.

Or maybe you're just able to clear a single tropper pack in each wave for x2, for example if theres 5 creeps in a wave, i can clear only 5 creeps untill the next wave arrives.