Devs, this isn't good. (Bebop pull complaint)

The hero doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in a game where anytime you wish to hit someone you must be actually facing them (no strafe even). Think it's another hero in this game that's trying to be a DOTA gimmick and it does not at all translate well to FPS.
Huh? There is 1000% strafing in this game. o.O
the projectiles have their own hitboxes and if those hitboxes collide with the player's hitboxes, the game registers a hit. I do agree that some projectile hitboxes could be made smaller, which did happen in the last patch.
yeah exactly. specially if the spell tracer and animation is made to look thin and precise. going in on the sandbox with shiv and seeing how far off can i fire and still hit is hilarious, mostly because the spell effect makes it seam like a precision thing by how thin it is. could be like Haze and be a bigger projectile so it doesnt feel so off if the spell effect matches the hitbox better
It's a classic perspective issue that comes with offset third person cameras.
Your left side is more visible by your opponent.
this is why first person will always be superior to third person. your vision is never obscured by the player model. can't count how many times in third person games i walked into a building and while my vision was completely obscured by the player model in the doorway, something inside the building killed me. there's also the issue of corner peeking which is really easy with such a zoomed out camera.
Can you explain what you mean? the game is not an fps. there is strafe you can also hit who you are not facing just at an slight angle. like roadhog can't hook who he isn't looking or sylvanus from smite. its not a dota gimmick its a hook character even fighting games have that.

Also it would make it seam its easy to dodge and its part of the gimmick yes of a hook character, feast or famine.

You're literally playing...a first person shooter. It's pretending to be a MOBA by sharing some mechanics. In a top-down game, fog of war isn't muddled by an even more awful user interface. (it's 2024, any player should be able to zoom to any range they like as arbitrarily choosing it creates awkward mechanics such as this one.) In this game you also have to combat with how poor the camera is in a game that's trying to be more strategic at a high-level but the low-level issues such as getting stuck on hitboxes of objects and the arena being far too cramped in some places, not symmetrical enough, too easy to get caught on things. It just comes off as a mess and cheese tactics have a significant edge because of user-interface which feels rather wrong.
Hook can do this but beebop has too much utility and CC outside of the hook to allow for this shenanigans. damage on his bomb should be nerfed
This looks more like how Roadhog was in Overwatch 1. Not sure if it is intended, but, in my opinion, I think you should have full LOS in order for the hook to connect.
It looks like it's just above the ground and only enters the ground after the grab connects, the zipline probably aligns to your character's center after connecting even if it hit your head to help the animations work better, Generally I think it does have a warm up sound but with such a short cast time you need to dodge fast when you hear it
This looks more like how Roadhog was in Overwatch 1. Not sure if it is intended, but, in my opinion, I think you should have full LOS in order for the hook to connect.
You kinda do. I had some hooks being cancelled (after hitting the hook) because there where some obstacles in the way.

I don't think hitting a hook is free as people are complaining here and comparing it to roadhog is a little strange because roadhog was a really fast projectile.
I love this game. But, this was happening all game. There isnt a world where I could position better to avoid it. Bebop wasn't on my screen in the slightest. Went through the floor :(
There are items that counter that. You can purge his pull. Bebop has zero mobility, cant pull in targets like brawlers or burst escapers (pocket) that can kill him. If bebop misses an important hook, it can be costly for his team. I think the range is a bit much, but he is a hard counter to snipers that jump in the air. And the game needs that so it isnt Sniper versus Sniper as a go-too. There are some items and other heros that can get to airborn snipers or just commit damage to them if they have high weapon damage. But Bebops range should be able to at least grab one out of the sky from a reasonable distance.
Actually it's easy, its as far as his lazer at lv. 1. Just move back and he can't touch you

I think they were referring to a late game bebop that has spent thousands of souls upgrading the cast range of their abilities. Like you know, any other character can spec into....

Just treat playing Bebop with a long hook as you would a TF2 Hunstman, it is really not that hard to play around, but you have to accept that sometimes it is gonna hit you randomly if they decide to cover space.
this is why first person will always be superior to third person. your vision is never obscured by the player model. can't count how many times in third person games i walked into a building and while my vision was completely obscured by the player model in the doorway, something inside the building killed me. there's also the issue of corner peeking which is really easy with such a zoomed out camera.
I truly despise third person perspective, honestly. HATE IT. Give me first person, Valve! PLOX!

You mean, move left or right? When everything else in the game is essentially forcing you to always face and the hero has basically no downtime on the hook?
Uh, yeah. You can strafe, dude.
You're literally playing...a first person shooter. It's pretending to be a MOBA by sharing some mechanics. In a top-down game, fog of war isn't muddled by an even more awful user interface. (it's 2024, any player should be able to zoom to any range they like as arbitrarily choosing it creates awkward mechanics such as this one.) In this game you also have to combat with how poor the camera is in a game that's trying to be more strategic at a high-level but the low-level issues such as getting stuck on hitboxes of objects and the arena being far too cramped in some places, not symmetrical enough, too easy to get caught on things. It just comes off as a mess and cheese tactics have a significant edge because of user-interface which feels rather wrong.
its not an fps, its a third person. as you "literally" say. its more moba than is regular shooter considering lane eco management not round based and map neutral objective based.

Hook fun. in every game the hook characer is fun. often bad, but popular because its fun. this is not a fast paced shooter like apex or tf2. you can do some shmovement with viscous and lash but most others are not that mobile.

I agree we do get stuck on some parts liek the orange walker upper path just blocks you by nothing or playing lash with random panels that block your leap. it mostly affects his movement and flyers sight lines but its so annoyign for him. those are clean up things that will be fixed not an issue that is struturally wrong with the game. camera and vision and it being locked is part of it. in smite you are also locked that's why you learn the map you move without looking and you look at the map to see what is happening since your PoV is lacking. not being simmetrical? good. weapon side does add complexity as you can be inside people and miss depeding where your gun is facing (likewise be shooting off and still hit). i am not a huge fan of this type of complexity, but people do like the depth of learning map and angles to control and those that they are at a disavantage to.

Edit: you say there's no strafing when there is. you call no downtime on hook when its 22s second ability its super punished if you miss as you have incredibly bad range to fire and not even burts to peek at closer range that is more dangerous to get in. its a feast or famine character, they have icefrog very well understands what is a feast or famine hook character supposed to be. nothing you say sticks on any bases. again what are you even saying
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