Devs, this isn't good. (Bebop pull complaint)

Imho pull should not be normal ability, esp on such low cooldown

bad take. dont lock such fun in an ult. there's a reason pubs love roadhog pudge and blitz crank. and while it was fun, the air sand pirate in dawngate hook was really strong but having a long cd made it so unfun, so people defaulted to his sustain ramp up with sand aoe's build.

Smite had cocoon from arachne be an ult. it was and ultimate so it had to have inflated numbers, was quite silly how you would be pulled from a mid lane into a jungle camp and how fast it was. that idea was canned didnt fit her and was bad for ult. added to sylvanus = big pog raw pulls plays. its a feast of famine ability and so give it to players
Unfortunately gutting something like this would ruin what made Roadhog so good in Overwatch, which he's now just turned into a giant healtank. Currently Bebop has a lot of utility in duo lanes. Just respect the sightlanes.
All the people who are writing about how OP Bebops hook is can be divided into 2 categories:
  • Not sufficient game experience to dodge or predict a hook
  • Not a bebop player and do not understand how hard it is sometimes land a hook
All the people who are writing about how OP Bebops hook is can be divided into 2 categories:
  • Not sufficient game experience to dodge or predict a hook
  • Not a bebop player and do not understand how hard it is sometimes land a hook
It is not an OP Beebop. It is a very weird game mechanic that looks more like a bug. It works the same with all other characters with similar projectile skills (talon, paradox, haze, vindicta, most likely shiv and so on).

In high elo lobbies people use it especially to get an advantage in every single match. As a paradox main can confirm that.
Landing a projectile skill-shot in this manner is a dopamine hit like no other and I would be deeply saddened by its removal.

I think projectiles would lose a lot of the 'x-factor' that makes them unique if removed.
All the people who are writing about how OP Bebops hook is can be divided into 2 categories:
  • Not sufficient game experience to dodge or predict a hook
  • Not a bebop player and do not understand how hard it is sometimes land a hook
While I agree, even having sort-of-bad latency makes Bebop's audio queue basically useless, I've noticed.
Really I just dodge it by predicting whether it's strategic for him to hook, that works too.
I love this game. But, this was happening all game. There isnt a world where I could position better to avoid it. Bebop wasn't on my screen in the slightest. Went through the floor :(
I see Fountain Hooks are a thing in Deadlock, glad to know that.
While I agree, even having sort-of-bad latency makes Bebop's audio queue basically useless, I've noticed.
Really I just dodge it by predicting whether it's strategic for him to hook, that works too.
I absolutely agree with the dodging and predicting aspect. You are right. But the hook travels further than audio. He can hook farther than you can hear it, and with 3rd person, can hook simply not being on your screen. 0 ability to predict for it.
Let's also adress the elephant in the room: spell hitboxes.

While shooting needs to be spot on I see that spells not as much. I sometimes play haze or shiv and I see it did not land it hit the air box around the enemy model and it still connected. same for talo nand vindicta snipes I see i didn't land those and it hits. its not impossible to dodge at all. but it has some nautilus type hits sometimes
Let's also adress the elephant in the room: spell hitboxes.

While shooting needs to be spot on I see that spells not as much. I sometimes play haze or shiv and I see it did not land it hit the air box around the enemy model and it still connected. same for talo nand vindicta snipes I see i didn't land those and it hits. its not impossible to dodge at all. but it has some nautilus type hits sometimes
the projectiles have their own hitboxes and if those hitboxes collide with the player's hitboxes, the game registers a hit. I do agree that some projectile hitboxes could be made smaller, which did happen in the last patch.
He did hook an empty space and you walked in (bebopo pov)? i think he was just lucky. it Is just camera, sometimes from covers people shoots you and you can't see them.

I mean he did a blind hook, you saw it coming, and got you, what we can discuss is that with the elevation should work or stop once it reach the ramp (is hitting the floor), but i like the way it is, or the hero will be totally useless.

As dota player, it seems the same way when pudge land a hook and someone walks into the hook, bad luck. Truth is that elevation (1st/3rd person) and camera have a role in this game, since there's no a "real" fog of war. But in the end in the current state, unless they change how camera works, it's a thing, we will have to get used to and to play around.

Also there's no collision in the game, i play a lot as yamato, and her 2 skill which barely miss, if you are in range of the person when you hook, you can travel around the map and buildings, most of the time if the hooked one is running away or in the zip line.

So, unless they add some way of building/elevation colide this will keep happening.
The hero doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in a game where anytime you wish to hit someone you must be actually facing them (no strafe even). Think it's another hero in this game that's trying to be a DOTA gimmick and it does not at all translate well to FPS.
The hero doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in a game where anytime you wish to hit someone you must be actually facing them (no strafe even). Think it's another hero in this game that's trying to be a DOTA gimmick and it does not at all translate well to FPS.

Can you explain what you mean? the game is not an fps. there is strafe you can also hit who you are not facing just at an slight angle. like roadhog can't hook who he isn't looking or sylvanus from smite. its not a dota gimmick its a hook character even fighting games have that.

Also it would make it seam its easy to dodge and its part of the gimmick yes of a hook character, feast or famine.
It's a classic perspective issue that comes with offset third person cameras.
Your left side is more visible by your opponent.
Even in fps. CS2 has rigth side advantage. not only that, the closer you are to the wall the more of a dissadvantage you are on with who sees who first.