New member
This is my first deadlock hero concept, hope you guys like it! I used to make Dota concepts and mod them, hoping to do the same for this game.

(image ai-generated and modified)
Flux is in a constant state of motion, building up speed to overwhelm the enemy with power punches, projectiles, and projections.
Aesthetics: Sleek humanoid robot with bunny legs and ears.
Stats: Lower health but higher move speed and jump height. Spirit power increases health regen.
Gun Mechanics: "Mouth Turret" with medium fire rate. Reloads by making rabbit chewing gestures.
Design Inspirations: Arc Warden, Tracer, Ori, Go Go (Big Hero 6), Lopunny (Pokemon)
1: Mirror Disc
Launches a round disc facing the nearest hero, acting as a wall that ricochets projectiles towards enemies. Can be broken with 2 melee attacks or 1 strong melee attack, damaging nearby enemies and silencing them for 2s. Flux can use them as platforms, jumping on them to break them.
[1] +1 Charges
[2] Breaking a Mirror Disc restores 1 stamina
[5] +100% Size
Inspiration: Go Go's discs, Lotus orb, the sound of mirrors breaking, this gif

2: Magnet Punch
Launches a magnetic fist that homes in on units and metal objects, bouncing and dealing melee damage to an enemy based on how fast the fist was moving. The fist gains speed while homing but loses speed over time. Can be melee attacked to launch it even faster. Duration increased with Spirit power.
[1] Bounces increase the speed
[2] Stuns enemies for up to 0.3 seconds
[3] Strong melee attacks on fist causes Flux to travel with it
Inspiration: Sven's storm hammer, Lich's chain frost, Dead Man's Volley, bludgers from Quiddich

3: Momentum
Passive. Every 5m of forward movement increases sprint speed and melee damage. Flux can sprint on walls. Max stacks increased by spirit power.
[1] Movement increases jump height
[2] Gaining a stack shocks the nearest enemy in 5m for 20 damage
[3] Fast Rails is always active on Flux
Inspiration: Physics, Dark Seer's surge, Lucio's wall gliding, Prince of Persia wall running

4: Confluence
Flux creates a clone at the cast location every second while active. Clones repeat Flux's movement and actions until the effect expires, dealing a percentage of Flux's damage depending on how far away they are from other clones. Flux will time lapse to the nearest clone upon dying or zooming in.
[1] Reduces cooldown
[2] +35% Clone Damage
[3] +0.1s Duration per Momemtum stack
Inspiration: Arc Warden's tempest double, Weaver's time lapse, Tracer's rewind, that one Celeste level

Not all values are filled in yet since I am not 100% sure what would be appropriate for balance. If you have any suggestions that would improve the concept, let me know. Cheers!
Deadlock Hero Concept - Flux

(image ai-generated and modified)
Flux is in a constant state of motion, building up speed to overwhelm the enemy with power punches, projectiles, and projections.
Aesthetics: Sleek humanoid robot with bunny legs and ears.
Stats: Lower health but higher move speed and jump height. Spirit power increases health regen.
Gun Mechanics: "Mouth Turret" with medium fire rate. Reloads by making rabbit chewing gestures.
Design Inspirations: Arc Warden, Tracer, Ori, Go Go (Big Hero 6), Lopunny (Pokemon)
1: Mirror Disc
Launches a round disc facing the nearest hero, acting as a wall that ricochets projectiles towards enemies. Can be broken with 2 melee attacks or 1 strong melee attack, damaging nearby enemies and silencing them for 2s. Flux can use them as platforms, jumping on them to break them.
[1] +1 Charges
[2] Breaking a Mirror Disc restores 1 stamina
[5] +100% Size
Inspiration: Go Go's discs, Lotus orb, the sound of mirrors breaking, this gif

2: Magnet Punch
Launches a magnetic fist that homes in on units and metal objects, bouncing and dealing melee damage to an enemy based on how fast the fist was moving. The fist gains speed while homing but loses speed over time. Can be melee attacked to launch it even faster. Duration increased with Spirit power.
[1] Bounces increase the speed
[2] Stuns enemies for up to 0.3 seconds
[3] Strong melee attacks on fist causes Flux to travel with it
Inspiration: Sven's storm hammer, Lich's chain frost, Dead Man's Volley, bludgers from Quiddich

3: Momentum
Passive. Every 5m of forward movement increases sprint speed and melee damage. Flux can sprint on walls. Max stacks increased by spirit power.
[1] Movement increases jump height
[2] Gaining a stack shocks the nearest enemy in 5m for 20 damage
[3] Fast Rails is always active on Flux
Inspiration: Physics, Dark Seer's surge, Lucio's wall gliding, Prince of Persia wall running

4: Confluence
Flux creates a clone at the cast location every second while active. Clones repeat Flux's movement and actions until the effect expires, dealing a percentage of Flux's damage depending on how far away they are from other clones. Flux will time lapse to the nearest clone upon dying or zooming in.
[1] Reduces cooldown
[2] +35% Clone Damage
[3] +0.1s Duration per Momemtum stack
Inspiration: Arc Warden's tempest double, Weaver's time lapse, Tracer's rewind, that one Celeste level

Not all values are filled in yet since I am not 100% sure what would be appropriate for balance. If you have any suggestions that would improve the concept, let me know. Cheers!