At this point it's just bannable to do anything. I muted the people who had a disagreeement with me and moved on. Even played the game normal no nonsense. Then I get comms banned because a 4 stack wants to grief and group report. I'm banned until the 31st? Are you guys kidding with this? If I am trying to take active measures to keep gameplay smooth and was the ONLY ONE to mute anyone. WHY would I be punished? Meanwhile the other dude kept griefing and all his friends decide "oh it wil lbe funny to get him banned". Honestly whoever is in charge of this system needs to do a better job. Your community is just being abused by a bunch of griefers. I have no interest in playing properly now.
People get comms banned for muting problem players and minding their own business
Comms ban if you only use the comms wheel
comms ban if you don't talk
comms ban if you rub a 4 stack the wrong way. ( people are admitting to abusing this system ) I'll be making sure this bug gets exposed to as many people as possible until its fixed. Either everyone's getting banned or they will figure out a REAL system.
Group reports = ban. Have fun everyone!
People get comms banned for muting problem players and minding their own business
Comms ban if you only use the comms wheel
comms ban if you don't talk
comms ban if you rub a 4 stack the wrong way. ( people are admitting to abusing this system ) I'll be making sure this bug gets exposed to as many people as possible until its fixed. Either everyone's getting banned or they will figure out a REAL system.
Group reports = ban. Have fun everyone!