Collision issue with golden statue causes you to be locked into crouch position


New member
There is a collision issue with the golden statue that causes your hero to become stuck in the crouch position. This bug can be reproduced by moving close to the golden statue and crouching in a specific position.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable visibility of collision hitboxes and your position.
  • Look at the golden statue and enter this command in the console:
  • To enable for your hero:
    cl_ent_vcollide_wireframe player
  • Show your position:
    cl_showpos 1
2. Move near the golden statue and while walking into it, hold the crouch button.
3. Release and hold the crouch button intermittently until you find the sweet spot where your hero remains crouched and cannot stand up.
4. To get unstuck from crouch, move away from the statue or break it.

This can be reproduced on multiple heroes.

View attachment golden_statue_collision_bug.mp4