Wanted to bring... Counter-Strike. I enjoy the story of DotA all-stars bringing different heroes from different version of DotA into one. They were also ideas of the community, ideas from different games or even OC in some way. I also enjoy the thought of other characters/heroes/champions that are familiar to those from their respective games to be brought into the Deadlock world to duke it out. Adding Street Fighter characters to Smash is like a callout to Fighting game players. Maybe another 3rd person or Moba character not from Valve's universe could one day thrive in this game. So I think to myself, why not.. but how. I am no pro or have 10,000 hours into Counter-Strike. But this is what I felt that reflected CS from my time in 1.6 as a kid and sidelining GO/valorant/2 from a distance. I wanted a very beginner friendly character. While being some what advance for being familiar with their kit and using it properly in different situations, match ups and understanding the character's limits. He can be a easy character to que up as.
this is a very rough and still needs some work, but more of a sharing thing.
inspiration : Counter-Strike
Gun: I would just give a similar standard starting pistol.
cooldown: 30 seconds
duration: 8/6/3
charged/rapid charged: charge cooldown 8 seconds and 3 charges
Spirit only increases Molotov's Damage
duration can be extended
Molotov DPS 80
Throw a smoke, molotov and flash bang in rotation. Smoke is a wall of smoke like from csgo(2?). Molotov burns the ground damaging anyone standing in it and flash reduces firerate those caught aka face the explosion.
1. +1 charge 2. Grenades Bounce once off walls/floors. 3. Smoke is wider, Molotov's duration extended and flash lowers movement speed for 1.5 seconds
I would have Flash Bang try to be as similar to Counter-strikes, it wouldn't effect vision but Firerate maybe my 50% for those 3 seconds.
cooldown 10 seconds
When crouched for 2 seconds, increase fire rate by 10% and also gain a stack of 2% bullet resistance per second while crouched stacking 5 times. Any movement removes Huddle. Sliding is considered crouched.
upgrade 1. 3% bullet resistance 2. 5% fire rate 3. build 1ms every second crouched after 3 seconds, Huddle linger for 7 seconds after movement.
Sliding, you can still gain Huddle during slide. But crouch walking will cancel Huddle. Key here would be to just hold crouch during a slide and let the slide do the moving for you while still gaining Huddle and be in w.e position youre placed while techically crouched.
*was Ultimate 3*
cooldown 30 seconds
For 7 seconds your shots are able to penetrate through certain walls, floors, ceilings and objects, dealing 75% of your weapon damage.
1. increase duration +3 seconds 2. First 3 seconds deal 100% of your weapon damage 3.
I might revise this since this might be a bit too hard to add into game. The only way to know if something is penetrable is to understand "thickness". A building for example is too large to Wallbang.

The left side building is far too thick from any side to Wallbang from any side. That size and beyond cannot be Wallbanged. The sign and Truck are thin enough. The tunnel to the far far right is still too thick, but some spots much like these have thinner walls to shoot at.

general idea blue too thick, red thin enough.
Ultimate *was normal ability, new ultimate 4, might change again*
cannot be extended with reach
increases damage with Spirit
90 second cooldown
your primary shots are quick melee range knife stabs and your alt-fire is very short range attack that deals increased damage to the back. Cannot be parried.
+ 75% increased of damage to the back with Secondary fire.
1. Provide Movement speed and sprint speed 2. increase the speed to switch weapons 3. killing a hero resets cooldown
Hit your ultimate and you pull out a Knife. Hit your ultimate again, you switch back to your Main Primary and putting Knife on cooldown.
That's all I really have, it's very rough but maybe can be flesh out later and with some help. just a fun idea and many more. I have a bit of a list of heroes and new ones being thought out on a separate note. it is also very fun reading other people's work and seeing ideas thrown around and what they view.
here are some previous abilities that this character had that i decided to move around. nothing is ever deleted.
*canceled 2nd version*
Riot Shield
120 cool down
lock in the direction you are facing. when active, disarmed, you have reduced movement speed, redirect closest projectiles towards you and returns a projectile towards any attacker for 100% of the damage.
this is very cool idea but i figured it would be better for another Hero who revolves around a shield or something like a dome. I enjoy Mars from DotA 2 very much.
I had another version of an ultimate that would be similar to Tiny's Grow for this character. The weapon would change base on stats alone, fire rate speed and damage or something. He would still hold the same looking gun. It would be a homage to Buying also for counter-strike, having a standard pistol eventually growing by upgrade points into the ultimate, changing the primary pistol into a AK-47 hitting weapon. Not simply replacing the weapon, again weird and difficult idea to flesh out.
*canceled 1st version*
C4 Explosive
Cannot be charged
cool down 150 seconds starts when c4 explodes or is disarmed
disarm/suicide puts cool down to flat 230 second cool down and provides enemy team each with 600 souls
2000 spirit damage (cannot be upgraded by spirit)
65m explosion range (cannot be upgraded by reach)
Explosion goes through buildings and objects
1m cast range
45 second detenation
Punch in a code for an explosive c4 that will only detonate after 1 minute. A call "Bomb has been planted" can be heard by both teams when planted. Continuous beeps can be heard to find its location. Can be disarmed by enemy heros only(melee). ignored by creeps and spirit damage. C4 explosion can damage CSGO, instantly killing him, giving enemy team extra souls.
im sure the insanity of this idea speaks for itself. someone like a demo man will already play a techies role and a giant bomb for this guy wouldn't be bad but dont think i know how to balance the idea. this is what started it all though.
thank you again
this is a very rough and still needs some work, but more of a sharing thing.
inspiration : Counter-Strike
Gun: I would just give a similar standard starting pistol.
cooldown: 30 seconds
duration: 8/6/3
charged/rapid charged: charge cooldown 8 seconds and 3 charges
Spirit only increases Molotov's Damage
duration can be extended
Molotov DPS 80
Throw a smoke, molotov and flash bang in rotation. Smoke is a wall of smoke like from csgo(2?). Molotov burns the ground damaging anyone standing in it and flash reduces firerate those caught aka face the explosion.
1. +1 charge 2. Grenades Bounce once off walls/floors. 3. Smoke is wider, Molotov's duration extended and flash lowers movement speed for 1.5 seconds
I would have Flash Bang try to be as similar to Counter-strikes, it wouldn't effect vision but Firerate maybe my 50% for those 3 seconds.
cooldown 10 seconds
When crouched for 2 seconds, increase fire rate by 10% and also gain a stack of 2% bullet resistance per second while crouched stacking 5 times. Any movement removes Huddle. Sliding is considered crouched.
upgrade 1. 3% bullet resistance 2. 5% fire rate 3. build 1ms every second crouched after 3 seconds, Huddle linger for 7 seconds after movement.
Sliding, you can still gain Huddle during slide. But crouch walking will cancel Huddle. Key here would be to just hold crouch during a slide and let the slide do the moving for you while still gaining Huddle and be in w.e position youre placed while techically crouched.
*was Ultimate 3*
cooldown 30 seconds
For 7 seconds your shots are able to penetrate through certain walls, floors, ceilings and objects, dealing 75% of your weapon damage.
1. increase duration +3 seconds 2. First 3 seconds deal 100% of your weapon damage 3.
I might revise this since this might be a bit too hard to add into game. The only way to know if something is penetrable is to understand "thickness". A building for example is too large to Wallbang.

The left side building is far too thick from any side to Wallbang from any side. That size and beyond cannot be Wallbanged. The sign and Truck are thin enough. The tunnel to the far far right is still too thick, but some spots much like these have thinner walls to shoot at.

general idea blue too thick, red thin enough.
Ultimate *was normal ability, new ultimate 4, might change again*
cannot be extended with reach
increases damage with Spirit
90 second cooldown
your primary shots are quick melee range knife stabs and your alt-fire is very short range attack that deals increased damage to the back. Cannot be parried.
+ 75% increased of damage to the back with Secondary fire.
1. Provide Movement speed and sprint speed 2. increase the speed to switch weapons 3. killing a hero resets cooldown
Hit your ultimate and you pull out a Knife. Hit your ultimate again, you switch back to your Main Primary and putting Knife on cooldown.
That's all I really have, it's very rough but maybe can be flesh out later and with some help. just a fun idea and many more. I have a bit of a list of heroes and new ones being thought out on a separate note. it is also very fun reading other people's work and seeing ideas thrown around and what they view.
here are some previous abilities that this character had that i decided to move around. nothing is ever deleted.
*canceled 2nd version*
Riot Shield
120 cool down
lock in the direction you are facing. when active, disarmed, you have reduced movement speed, redirect closest projectiles towards you and returns a projectile towards any attacker for 100% of the damage.
this is very cool idea but i figured it would be better for another Hero who revolves around a shield or something like a dome. I enjoy Mars from DotA 2 very much.
I had another version of an ultimate that would be similar to Tiny's Grow for this character. The weapon would change base on stats alone, fire rate speed and damage or something. He would still hold the same looking gun. It would be a homage to Buying also for counter-strike, having a standard pistol eventually growing by upgrade points into the ultimate, changing the primary pistol into a AK-47 hitting weapon. Not simply replacing the weapon, again weird and difficult idea to flesh out.
*canceled 1st version*
C4 Explosive
Cannot be charged
cool down 150 seconds starts when c4 explodes or is disarmed
disarm/suicide puts cool down to flat 230 second cool down and provides enemy team each with 600 souls
2000 spirit damage (cannot be upgraded by spirit)
65m explosion range (cannot be upgraded by reach)
Explosion goes through buildings and objects
1m cast range
45 second detenation
Punch in a code for an explosive c4 that will only detonate after 1 minute. A call "Bomb has been planted" can be heard by both teams when planted. Continuous beeps can be heard to find its location. Can be disarmed by enemy heros only(melee). ignored by creeps and spirit damage. C4 explosion can damage CSGO, instantly killing him, giving enemy team extra souls.
im sure the insanity of this idea speaks for itself. someone like a demo man will already play a techies role and a giant bomb for this guy wouldn't be bad but dont think i know how to balance the idea. this is what started it all though.
thank you again
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