Coating Ritual (Converts Damage Into Shields Within A Circle)


Active member
Creates a chalk-and-candle ritual circle on the ground. Any damage dealt to heroes or enemy troopers inside the ritual circle is converted into shield-over-time for you and all ally heroes standing inside the ritual circle.

Coating Ritual | 3000
+50 Bonus Health
-15% Debuff Reduction​

Active (24s Cooldown) (6s Duration)
Place a ritual circle on the ground. Any damage dealt to heroes or enemy troopers inside the ritual circle is converted into shield-over-time for you as well as all ally heroes standing inside the ritual circle.​

Conditionally provides up to 50 Spirit Shield and 100 Bullet Shield.

The final amount of shield provided is proportional to amount of damage dealt within the circle. For example, if only a small amount of damage is dealt within the circle (<250), then the minimum amount of shield is provided (~25/50). If a large amount of damage is dealt (>750), the full amount is provided (~50/100). For all damage counts in between these two extremes, a rounded-up value is provided (eg. at 522 damage dealt instead of providing 39 Spirit Shield and 81 Bullet Shield, round up to 40 Spirit Shield and 85 Bullet Shield.)

These conditional shields remain until damage is taken. They do not disappear after Coating Ritual itself ends. These conditional shields do not stack with themselves. (eg. user cannot gain 150 by using Coating Ritual twice).

The Ritual's Circle is comparable in size to Alchemical Fire, if not a bit smaller.

The type of shields generated are based on the type of damage dealt inside the circle. (eg. if 100% of damage dealt inside the ritual circle is bullet-based, then only bullet shield will be generated onto the user.)

Shields will never generate faster than a specified value (eg. 25 shield per second). In cases where damage is dealt slowly and irregularly, shield will generate slowly and incrementally alongside it. In cases where a large amount of damage is dealt, shield will generate at ~25 per second until max.

- Use Case 1: Place Coating Ritual beneath a wave of troopers as a means of gaining shields.

- Use Case 2: Place Coating Ritual beneath your own objective while an enemy is pressuring it. Any damage dealt to you or your troopers inside the circle will be converted into shield-over-time, making CR a practical defensive tool.

- Use Case 3: Place Coating Ritual beneath an enemy objective. Damage dealt to you or your troopers will be converted into SoT, providing you SoT for either remaining aggressive or safely retreating.