Charly Nono ( Boxer ) .


A legendary boxer from the 1920s, known for his ruthless efficiency in the ring. Born in the slums, he fought his way to the top and became an undefeated world champion. But a tragic fall from grace caused him to retire early. Now, with his skills honed to perfection and a fury in his heart, he’s back to prove that he’s still the king of the fight. He fights with precision and power, using his brutal instincts to dismantle his enemies.


  1. Left Hook Power
    Effect: A powerful left hook that knocks back enemies and causes stun, leaving them vulnerable for a short period.
    Cooldown: 10 seconds
  2. Jab & Weave
    Effect: A fast jab followed by a defensive weaving motion, increasing his dodging ability and allowing him to avoid enemy attacks for a short time.
    Cooldown: 12 seconds
  3. Body Blow Barrage
    Effect: Delivers a series of rapid body punches, dealing damage over time to enemies in a cone in front of him. The attack also reduces the target’s defense for a short duration.
    Cooldown: 18 seconds
  4. Ultimate – Monzón's Fury
    Effect: Channels the intense spirit of his prime, unleashing a series of devastating punches in rapid succession. The attack targets multiple enemies within range and has a high chance to knock them down. During this time, The Knockout King gains increased movement speed and damage. After the fury ends, he briefly loses stamina, reducing his defense and attack for a short period.
    Cooldown: 45 seconds

The Knockout King is a powerhouse who relies on precision, timing, and aggressive offense. His abilities would allow players to close in on enemies, deal massive bursts of damage, and control the flow of the battle with his devastating strikes. His Ultimate showcases his dominance in the ring, turning him into a whirlwind of pain for enemies in close range. However, the post-Ultimate weakness makes him a tactical character — knowing when to unleash his fury and when to play defensively is key.,392&ssl=1 carlos monzon.