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"At last, I have returned! To cleanse the world of the wicked, and claim my birthright as rightful ruler of England!"
Gallant is a suit of armour which is possessed by the spirit of King Arthur and who broke out of the Metropolitan museum of art. He is on a quest to become the rightful King of England and defend Britain from any and all supernatural forces. However, due to his ghostly status, he is himself hunted by both the friends of humanity and Vindicta.
He is very powerful and wise in some ways, but also foolishly stubborn and stuck in the past. He is either distrustful or hostile towards most mythical creatures, and those who hunt them down. He believes he alone deserves to wield the power to save Britain from the "Beasts" and become it's rightful ruler. With the patron's help, he likely will.
He is befuddled at the mere concept of America, often asking other characters what a "President" is and why everyone speaks English, despite being their "enemies".
Arthur originally had a patron known as the "Lady of the lake" or simply "My Lady" who originally gave him Excalibur. She is seemingly long gone, but her power and influence lingers inside of his soul.
Super secret lore: Warden is actually a long lost descendant of King Arthur, as king Arthur secretly had children, whom he taught all his monster slaying knowledge to. He kept his children a secret to guarantee their safety.
He looks very similar to the image shown below, except he also wields a Winchester rifle and has a large Greatsword on his back. Additionally, he is possessed by a glowing blue spectral essence which seeps out of the gaps in his armour and pulses when he speaks. He is also wearing some 1940's clothing and equipment, such as a belt with a small Camera for taking pictures, an old book of monsters and a shoulder strap for storing ammo for his Winchester rifle. The greatsword on his back, although not actually Excalibur, is still possessed by a small amount of the power that the original sword once wielded.

He has a posh, righteous, and elderly voice, which reverberates inside of his heavy metal armour. He also often yells battle cries when he uses his abilities such as "CHAAARGGEEEEE!!" when using his 3rd or "Excalibur, " when using his ultimate.
Voice line examples:
"They will rest in peace. Each and every one of them." - Pinging to say his ultimate is ready
"JUSTICE!" - Using his 1st
"I am impenetrable!" - Using his 2nd
"Slay this wicked beast!" - Using his 3rd on a non-human character
"Slay this foul person!" - Using his 3rd on a human character
"Slay this asshole!" - Using his 3rd on lash
Arthur's main weapon attack is his Winchester rifle, which he uses to pick away at his enemies. It is like a shotgun but with a very tight spread, making it a reliable medium-long range weapon, although it's spread is slightly increased when hip-fired.
Arthur starts off with 100 bullet and spirit shields, although he does not have a particularly large amount of HP. This allows players to play him in a heroic way in the short term to perhaps save a teammate from a particularly nasty enemy, but means he falls apart in longer fights.
Arthur is a very good "Carry slayer". He excels at saving his teammates from players who have become too strong, although his relatively slow movement speed mean he is best used to defend and can struggle to chase them down.
When he walks, you can hear his armour and Winchester ammo rustling.
Abilities (Subject to change):
Smite: His first ability. Arthur grabs his sword from his back and jumps directly forward, raising it into the air before vertically slicing whatever is directly in front of him in a mighty clang as his Greatsword hits the ground. This ability is actually hitscan/doesn't have a hitbox like Yamato's sword strikes. Instead, he jumps forward and deals damage to a single target which is horizontally aligned with the crosshair. His turning speed is significantly slower when mid air allowing the attack to be dodged via rolling. This ability also deals 50/50 weapon/spirit damage and counts as a heavy melee but cannot be parried. Due to his heavy armour, he takes half a second to "recover" from the ability. At level 3 it silences the hit enemy for 2 seconds.
Pridwen: His second ability. Arthur becomes 25% slower and summons his spectral shield Pridwen, before holding it out in front of him in the direction the player is looking. When his shield is damaged, his bullet or spirit shields are restored depending on the damage type dealt, and the damage from that attack is nullified. He cannot attack or use other abilities in this state. At base it lasts 5 seconds and can be cancelled, similar to Lady Geist's second ability.
Beast slayer: His third ability. When in range of an enemy (Same targeting as Shiv's ult etc) Arthur summons and blows on a spectral trumpet while pointing with his other hand, marking that enemy for death. All team members gain 25% damage resistance from that enemy, and Arthur also deals an Additional 25% damage to that enemy. At base, the effect lasts 10 seconds.
Slayer of armies: His Ultimate. Arthur raises his sword in the air and a bright white flash engulfs it briefly in some of Excalibur's power. He then proceeds to slowly swing the heavy sword around him in a whirlwind 10 times. Arthur moves in bursts, with each swing having Arthur lunge towards the direction the player is looking due to the weight of the sword. This ability can be cancelled at any time. Enemies hit by Arthur take 10% extra damage from Arthur (can stack to +100%) when hit by the sword while the ult is active. At max level, this effect remains for 5 seconds after the ability ends.
Each swing takes the same amount of time as a dodge roll, and Arthur cannot deal damage to rolling enemies with his ult. This means you can actually spam roll to avoid his ult in close quarters.