New member

Potential Character Names: The Innsmouth Detective, The Fisher of Men
Main Weapon: Mauser Pistol
Melee: Tentacle
Ability 1: Tentacle Slap
Extend your tentacle arm out 10 meters to slap an enemy, stunning them for 1 second and applying poison DOT for 5 seconds.
Ability 2: Private Eye
Throw your eyeball in an area. If there are any enemies in that area they will be marked for you, revealing their location for 4 seconds. Marked enemies take increased damage.
Ability 3: Drunken Breath
Drink a bottle of alcohol and pull out your lighter. When ready, click to spit the alcohol through your lighter creating a horizontal wall of fire burning any enemies in front of you. Enemies take DOT burn damage for 5 seconds.
Ability 4: Fisher of Men
Cast a net over a large area. Any enemies caught under the net are unable to move for 3 seconds and take increased damage while ensnared. Apply the Catch of the Day buff to self.
*Catch of the Day - base damage of Mauser Pistol and Tentacle Slap are greatly increased until used.