Can't connect to local server with VPN split tunnelling


New member
I just got access to playtest today and launched for the first time. I have my VPN turned on (Private Internet Access) and have "Split Tunnelling" enabled, this is supposed to be able to let certain programs bypass the VPN. When this is enabled with Steam, Steam web helper, Steam service and Project 8 set to bypass VPN, I cannot connect to what I assume are local servers. Sandbox mode and Learn to Play Hero Training do not connect, I get "Disconnected from server, unable to establish a connection with the gameserver.". However, Private Bot Match and Learn to Play Lane Training seem to work fine.

The console spams
[SteamNetSockets] WSASendTo failed, returned -1, last error=0x2741 The requested address is not valid in its context.
while trying to connect and
[SteamNetSockets] [#3681417179 UDP invalid@] problem detected locally (5003): Timed out attempting to connect
[SteamNetSockets] WSASendTo failed, returned -1, last error=0x2741 The requested address is not valid in its context.
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #3681417179 UDP invalid@ problem detected locally, reason 5003: Timed out attempting to connect
[Client] Failed to connect to  Reason code 5003.  Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, handle #3681417179 (1000 CloseSocket)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #3681417179 (userdata -1)
[Networking] Summary of connection [#3681417179 UDP invalid@]:
[Networking]     End-to-end connection: closed due to problem detected locally, reason code 5003.  (Timed out attempting to connect)
[Networking]         Current rates:
[Networking]             Sent:   0.0 pkts/sec   0.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:   0.0 pkts/sec   0.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Est avail bandwidth: 256.0KB/s 
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:         21 pkts          10,752 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:          0 pkts               0 bytes
[Networking]             No ping distribution available.  (0 samples)
[Networking]             No connection quality distribution available.  (0 measurement intervals)
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram not available
[Networking]         No rate stats received from remote host
[Networking]         No lifetime stats received from remote host

once it fails.
Disconnecting and turning off the VPN doesn't fix this, I have to disable the "Split tunnelling" option or remove project8.exe from bypassing the VPN.
I've also encountered the same issue, I can confirm that turning the split tunneling feature off in the VPN application fixes this problem. Thank you for posting this!
I've also encountered the same issue, I can confirm that turning the split tunneling feature off in the VPN application fixes this problem. Thank you for posting this!
No problem, glad it helped. I since found out that the same problem happens in CS2 so it seems to be a Source 2 issue, or at least the branch CS2 and Deadlock are using.
Can confirm. I have this exact same issue when I try to connect to the Hero Sandbox while my VPN is enabled. I get the above error only if the project8 executable is being split tunneled. I have to disable it to make it work. That said, I can still connect to regular matchmaking with split tunneling enabled.

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Also using Private Internet Access with split tunneling and have the same problem, but the only solution is disabling split tunneling. Disabling the VPN or changing the bypass option doesn't fix it.
This is a problem with the VPN applications - see issue reports for Mullvad VPN's kernel driver here for the exact same issue - if a game uses a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address to connect to its servers while it's in split tunneling whitelist, the kernel driver for the VPN incorrectly handles the socket's destination address and returns access denied errors for the connection - this is something that Valve is unlikely to fix, unless they're willing to manually force v4 addresses for v4 connections, and v6 for v6.
This is a problem with the VPN applications - see issue reports for Mullvad VPN's kernel driver here for the exact same issue - if a game uses a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address to connect to its servers while it's in split tunneling whitelist, the kernel driver for the VPN incorrectly handles the socket's destination address and returns access denied errors for the connection - this is something that Valve is unlikely to fix, unless they're willing to manually force v4 addresses for v4 connections, and v6 for v6.
That's unfortunate, but thanks for the extra info!