Camera not reseting on Spawn


New member
most annoying bug ever;
1. die
2. spectate teammate in FPS mode (preferably Ivy, Seven, McGinnis)
3. the player you specate uses their ultimate or any other ability that alters the camera in any way
4. spawn while the steps 2 and 3 are in effect --> your camera does not reset.

just happened in Ranked match while spectating McGinnis with ult and I was unable to aim at all, as the camera was SOOO far behind my char and it didn't even shoot to the crosshair.

Video clip of the bug;

00:00 you can see the normal camera
00:26 I die
01:34 McGinnis uses the ultimate and I'm spectating them playing in FPS mode
01:43 I spawn, you can see the camera is far from normal
01:50 you can see it's really hard to shoot, as my hero shoot the ground instead to where crosshair is
03:02 you can see I'm trying to fight against enemy hero and I'm shooting and using abilities to ground, as they're not pointing where I'm trying to
03:45 I die again

The camera did "fix"/get reseted, after I died, so the bug did not persist for the rest of the match. But would be lovely if the camera did reset upon spawning, not when dying (or preferably both).
Apparently I could've just paused the game and rejoined the match/restarted the game, which would've fixed the issue.

Match ID: 26558236
Around ~37:30min

Apparently duplicate bug report for these:
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Can confirm this bug is also existing: I had it while playing as McGinnis in ranked last week, got it after spectating a Haze ultimate. Was very hard to shoot anything due to camera being very zoomed out and crosshair placement was not applicable.

There are a few other cases I recall this bug happening, but I cannot produce a step to step guide on how to, other than that I've also experienced it so I can confirm this bug still exists.