Calico needs a massive buff


New member
She deals 0 damage to creeps so she can't jungle even at 30 minutes into the game if she goes spirit/melee, deals 0 damage to champ, she has no sustain, her ultimate is dogshit, the bombs are completely random, the claw is insanely unpredictable, the cat form is useless (but can be nice for ganks I guess), her auto is worse than pocket for confirming souls.

She has nothing compared to every single other Heroes.

I'll try gun Calico on my next gun but I believe it to be even worse.
So I just played a spirit melee calico and I did well. The cat form basically feels like mirage ult to me. I think it's bonkers. You move so fast and nobody can see you coming. I encourage you to give her another try. I think she's the best designed of the new heroes. Only change i would suggest is giving her 2 some verticality. Right now if you're on stairs by guardian and you 2 off you won't hit someone at the bottom.