Cabby - The troubled Taxi driver (With concept art, ability descriptions/ideas)


New member
Hello I'm Tuncer, this is an idea I had for your game Valve, I call him Cabby.


Right so I made this character because although we have robots in the game we don't have amnesic wizard-ghost possessed taxi's yet, here's my submission for that--
Cabby is a possessed taxi car - possessed by the wizard whose body was was stuffed in to the back of the trunk of by the mobsters that carried out the hit- though inanimate object soul transfer is highly forbidden and widely known to have lots of issues, it was a last ditch effort by the wizard to self-preserve, at the cost of all of his memories. that was 20 years ago, and since then cabby has earned himself a living by being a taxi driver with a hot temper (very prone to road rage and hates parking meters, needs to consume gasoline in order to sustain himself.)

His abilities are highly useful in different situations and mesh well together to make him formidable on the battlefield that is the streets of the city.
I came up with various abilities for him that we could try out:

1- Hi-beams & horns - cone of vision area quick stun/interrupt lasts for less than a second
2- Road Rage - speeds up his movement and shooting speed for a short duration of time
3- Exhaust - Leaves a trail of smoke that slows enemies - (higher level silences them in the smoke)
I'm split on his ultimate
4- Taxi- moves fast and grabs whomever he hits to transport elsewhere or
4- Parking meter - leaves a parking meter that slows enemies in a AOE effect type of post, also ticks damage.

I think his movement speed should be affected by his spirit level as well.

I'm not sure if this is how you're supposed to submit an idea btw, just had a vision I couldn't get rid of from my head so I had to make it and share it.

some other details are he'd speak with a heavy NY accent, and say things like:
"Did somboddeh orda a taxi?!?"
"'Ey I'm driving hea! get outta da damn road, ya maniac!"
"what're ya blind!? ....heh heh you're aboutta be... tell ya dat much"
"If youse wanted me to run ya ova... more dan 'appy to oblige"

I recorded how I think it would sound but done better by professional voice actors of course, I'm just a lowly concept artist lol.

take 1-

View attachment Recording (1).mp4
take 2-

View attachment Recording (2).mp4

Additional details-

His lower body and upper body are connected via magic glyph from the wizard's spell.
he has an old style gatling gun that does burst shots I chose that gun for the obvious design direction taken in the character lol

Now I can finally sleep in peace thanks valve for making a stupidly addicting game, I guess-
But seriously I love the setting and the style's a lot of fun, congrats!

I'd love to hear suggestions for what Cabby's abilities could be, I'm not like set in stone for that, what do you guys think, Would you main this character? I'd main this character.
I have an animated 3d model too, but just wanted to post the concept art, I don't wanna show the 3d with the animations yet- not sure if I'll even finish it but just had to do it, you understand, I'm sure.
This is an awesome idea and I think it fits really well with Deadlock. It feels like an homage to classic horror films that are kind of cheesey and we don't have any characters that represent that yet!!