Blue Items - Hero specific items/upgrades

When i started reading first one i was like "oh, this is like scorn t3 but against mo main weakness - spirit characters, good one" but then i realised that this is just 500 item, really really good idea and strong item, falls off later but still good/
back track tunnel is kinda confusing, if i understand it right it's like tracer overwatch tp back?
coarse sand is just chef's kiss. it feels so perfect for mo, more even it feels like it must be his sand blast t3 instead of this "40% slow" which no one ever maxes first because how bad it is, really like that one as a part of default kit. would also add something like "blocks weapon-based abilities" (currently talon arrows, paradox carbine)
keep em steady is also just cool, makes gun mo viable/solo ult kills possible if you are not above enemy in souls greatly. I imagine duel with this items like: sand enemy, shoot, go close, throw fire shoot a little more until no ammo, ult and shoot again. Close range t1 would be must have. generally good idea, maybe even op
precial knuckles feels kinda not good and op at the same time, mo does light melees alot but nobody builds into this, so added melee dmg is not neccesary but just funny bonus, but 0.1 second stun.... stuns are really really strong in general, and giving mo option to cancel someone strong ult even without his ult (a trade every mo makes) is just so broken. strange and op idea.
Leap is good because nearly doubles range of ult, which is really good, but leaping to enemy? before, like 4 months ago mo ults enemy - he stays in place, after some time - mo ults enemy? he slowly moves towards him, which feels fast but actually slow because really close range, while this item is good for range, but moving TOWARDS enemy and not moving enemy towards YOU is kinda not what mo wants, i would replace it with something like "enemy rapidly moves towards mo and loses all buffs (expect rejuv/runes/etc)"
Shrug it off is kinda item what already exist in files, but costs more money and gives barriers, which is not really mo thing (for now)
And "The split of duo" is just so funny and crazy at the same time lol. It's just so fun to imagine actually in game. You can also make description more clear with adding things like who recieves buffs, like type Mo: resists and combo duration (technically, mo can't combo anyone alone because it's krill who stuns the enemy and mo just pummels them) and krill: gets move speed. Also, are their hp equal? or krill has less?

Overall really great ideas, but i feel lack of 1 thing: stat bonuses. I know most of your items doesn't have any if not upgrade from normal item, but it feels just right to some of the items add hp to mo.

Also while i not forgor, in files mo has new ability "Mud shield" which you can try yourself as a mod from deadlock modding server, would be cool to see some item or 2 for this ability, even if it's not even released/finalized yet
When i started reading first one i was like "oh, this is like scorn t3 but against mo main weakness - spirit characters, good one" but then i realised that this is just 500 item, really really good idea and strong item, falls off later but still good/
back track tunnel is kinda confusing, if i understand it right it's like tracer overwatch tp back?
coarse sand is just chef's kiss. it feels so perfect for mo, more even it feels like it must be his sand blast t3 instead of this "40% slow" which no one ever maxes first because how bad it is, really like that one as a part of default kit. would also add something like "blocks weapon-based abilities" (currently talon arrows, paradox carbine)
keep em steady is also just cool, makes gun mo viable/solo ult kills possible if you are not above enemy in souls greatly. I imagine duel with this items like: sand enemy, shoot, go close, throw fire shoot a little more until no ammo, ult and shoot again. Close range t1 would be must have. generally good idea, maybe even op
precial knuckles feels kinda not good and op at the same time, mo does light melees alot but nobody builds into this, so added melee dmg is not neccesary but just funny bonus, but 0.1 second stun.... stuns are really really strong in general, and giving mo option to cancel someone strong ult even without his ult (a trade every mo makes) is just so broken. strange and op idea.
Leap is good because nearly doubles range of ult, which is really good, but leaping to enemy? before, like 4 months ago mo ults enemy - he stays in place, after some time - mo ults enemy? he slowly moves towards him, which feels fast but actually slow because really close range, while this item is good for range, but moving TOWARDS enemy and not moving enemy towards YOU is kinda not what mo wants, i would replace it with something like "enemy rapidly moves towards mo and loses all buffs (expect rejuv/runes/etc)"
Shrug it off is kinda item what already exist in files, but costs more money and gives barriers, which is not really mo thing (for now)
And "The split of duo" is just so funny and crazy at the same time lol. It's just so fun to imagine actually in game. You can also make description more clear with adding things like who recieves buffs, like type Mo: resists and combo duration (technically, mo can't combo anyone alone because it's krill who stuns the enemy and mo just pummels them) and krill: gets move speed. Also, are their hp equal? or krill has less?

Overall really great ideas, but i feel lack of 1 thing: stat bonuses. I know most of your items doesn't have any if not upgrade from normal item, but it feels just right to some of the items add hp to mo.

Also while i not forgor, in files mo has new ability "Mud shield" which you can try yourself as a mod from deadlock modding server, would be cool to see some item or 2 for this ability, even if it's not even released/finalized yet
Can you leave a link where you can get ability mods for deadlock? Been searching for the place for some time and couldn't find it.
Can you leave a link where you can get ability mods for deadlock? Been searching for the place for some time and couldn't find it.
Modding server link (will expire soon)
Thread with Mo rework mod