Bebop hook urn runner across the map with teleporter (technically not a bug)


New member
Bebop can hook the urn runner through an angle whilst being teleported on the urn side to the other side, which in turn will hook the urn runner all the way across the map straight to the urn delivery spot. This shouldn't be a thing in the game since it destroys the purpose of the risk/reward running urn gives. There's no counter to it either besides already sitting on the urn delivery spot.

Here are 2 videos showcasing it during the same game.

View attachment project8.exe 2024.10.23 - - urn #1.mp4

View attachment project8.exe 2024.10.23 - - urn #2.mp4

match ID: 24259067 1729635102217.png
15:55/20:30 minute mark.
Give Teleport Booth some voicelines from same voice actor as Chen from dota2.
"Next stop, Park avenue"

Do it Valve.