Bebop hook rework idea


New member
I understand that bebop has simple gameplay, hook, bomb to uppercut, it's simple and fun.

One of the problems I have with his hook is that whenever he is with a team and hooks me I die. I'm dragged 60m from my team straight into the enemy team. It's too easy for him to put me in a situation where he is absolutely safe and I am in at absolutely worst. And it's not like it's an ultimate like paradox’s and even her ult has less range and puts her at the same danger.

So I propose one change, so both bebop and the enemy he hooks are pulled to each other and they will meet in the middle.

Little visualization

Before using hook:
Deadlock 2024-12-13 09_04_33.png
After hook:
Deadlock 2024-12-13 09_04_47.png

Like that bebop puts himself at similar risk to the enemy he just hooked, kinda like a slightly less extreme version of paradox swap.


He can still do his normal gameplay and it even gives bebop some mobility since he could hook minions or teammates to run away so it's not all worse for him.
Это очень странное предложение. Нет большой проблемы уйти от крюка, даже если он тянул вас на максимальное расстояние, особенно после 20 минут игры. С другой стороны, просто попробуйте взять бибоп на высоком рейтинге и тянуть противника на 60 метров, это непростая задача. У Парадокса есть оглушение, в сочетании с которым она 100% выполнит свап. Поэтому ее навык намного сильнее.
It doesn't really suit his kit. There's a character in Smite with the ability you're proposing called Mulan. But she's a tanky bruiser who wants to stay on top of her enemies as long as possible. Bebop only wants you in melee range long enough to stick his bombs on you.
I agree that bebop is a very low skill floor, 1-dimensional character. However, I think this doesn't address the reason why he becomes such a problem. Every interaction with bebop is a net loss because of stacks - even if you kill him but he's bombed you, he's scaling and you're not. Also bebop having such low cooldowns on top of highest base move speed in the game and such an oppressive gun (in terms of damage, range, and deny ability) doesn't really help. It's very rare I play against a bebop that becomes a problem, but I think the character is so 1-dimensional and should be given some depth.