New member
As a bebop main I'm being driven mad with bugs, so I've come here to report all of them:
1. Hook - Hooks on players are mostly alright, although they still get stuck on objects like railings and the under side of rooftops, like when pulling someone from above and having them get stuck under the lip of the green bridges when laning starts.
2. Hook (NPC) - This feature was ofc added as a nerf to bebop but overall isn't functional yet. Most of the time the hitbox on the troopers gets caught on stairs when hooking them or even attempting to uppercut them (more on that ability later...), NPC hooks ofc always have the same issues as player hooks, usually just to an even worse extent. Hooking a NPC when they walk on a surface that isn't flat, usually causes their hitbox to clip into the ground, pinning them there indefinitely and failing the hook.
3. Bomb - I could rant about how the recent Bomb nerfs aren't good (in fact, I SHALL rant bc I got carried away while writing), mostly because there has always been counters to the bomb but now with these constant bombardments of nerfs, it's not even the novelty that bomb bebop once was, even in it's prime, it was always considered a bad choice in competitive play, as the good players (AKA not randos on reddit crying), always know how to counter the bomb, with a well executed counter to the bomb, bebop is left defenseless, as the only way to do an effective bomb build, is to allow your other defenses to fall behind (AKA your gun), so countering his bomb is extremely effective even at it's strongest.
Now, on to what's currently actually bugged about the bomb; The bomb doesn't attach to the enemy/ally/NPC character correctly if done fast, this happens constantly in fast paced 1v1's, where Bebop can hear the sound effect for arming the bomb and placing it on the Enemy, however the bomb is evidently NOT actually being placed, sometimes this can happen 3-4 times before ofc bebop is killed off for failing due to that bug.
If you don't want bebop to place bombs that fast, then the sound effect rewarding and informing bebop of a successful bomb placement, shouldn't be played if the bomb was never placed in the first place.
4. Now onto that uppercut, despite the other bugs being annoying, THIS is the real reason I am making this post as it's made me loose a few games today, the "fast spin up time" feature of the level 2 Uppercut upgrade doesn't work atm, as bebop is currently forced to wait until the uppercut animation has played before he can fire his gun. Despite this, audio of his gun firing can be heard when attempting to shoot as usual, I believe, although it's hard to tell in the moment, the gun also looses ammo as normal, despite once again not being able to fire.
Now, there has ALSO been times when you CAN fire you're gun, but your red laser is completely missing, making a bebop main like myself miss shots because we usually use that as our own cursor when firing.
PLEASE fix that one at least, Bebop's combo of grabbing, uppercutting and firing is very necessary for a bebop build to work, that new buggy delay always gives people enough time to kill or escape bebop when he would've otherwise gotten the kill.
5. Bebop's ult is the only part of his kit that isn't experiencing major bugs, it's only that sometimes I press 4 to ult, bebop says the voice line, his arm starts glowing purple and nothing happens, died a few times to this bug, although more uncommon then the other bugs listed above.
Really hope bomb gets un nerfed again, as currently doing any kind of spirit build with bebop is pointless, I've had to switch to gun bebop for the moment.
1. Hook - Hooks on players are mostly alright, although they still get stuck on objects like railings and the under side of rooftops, like when pulling someone from above and having them get stuck under the lip of the green bridges when laning starts.
2. Hook (NPC) - This feature was ofc added as a nerf to bebop but overall isn't functional yet. Most of the time the hitbox on the troopers gets caught on stairs when hooking them or even attempting to uppercut them (more on that ability later...), NPC hooks ofc always have the same issues as player hooks, usually just to an even worse extent. Hooking a NPC when they walk on a surface that isn't flat, usually causes their hitbox to clip into the ground, pinning them there indefinitely and failing the hook.
3. Bomb - I could rant about how the recent Bomb nerfs aren't good (in fact, I SHALL rant bc I got carried away while writing), mostly because there has always been counters to the bomb but now with these constant bombardments of nerfs, it's not even the novelty that bomb bebop once was, even in it's prime, it was always considered a bad choice in competitive play, as the good players (AKA not randos on reddit crying), always know how to counter the bomb, with a well executed counter to the bomb, bebop is left defenseless, as the only way to do an effective bomb build, is to allow your other defenses to fall behind (AKA your gun), so countering his bomb is extremely effective even at it's strongest.
Now, on to what's currently actually bugged about the bomb; The bomb doesn't attach to the enemy/ally/NPC character correctly if done fast, this happens constantly in fast paced 1v1's, where Bebop can hear the sound effect for arming the bomb and placing it on the Enemy, however the bomb is evidently NOT actually being placed, sometimes this can happen 3-4 times before ofc bebop is killed off for failing due to that bug.
If you don't want bebop to place bombs that fast, then the sound effect rewarding and informing bebop of a successful bomb placement, shouldn't be played if the bomb was never placed in the first place.
4. Now onto that uppercut, despite the other bugs being annoying, THIS is the real reason I am making this post as it's made me loose a few games today, the "fast spin up time" feature of the level 2 Uppercut upgrade doesn't work atm, as bebop is currently forced to wait until the uppercut animation has played before he can fire his gun. Despite this, audio of his gun firing can be heard when attempting to shoot as usual, I believe, although it's hard to tell in the moment, the gun also looses ammo as normal, despite once again not being able to fire.
Now, there has ALSO been times when you CAN fire you're gun, but your red laser is completely missing, making a bebop main like myself miss shots because we usually use that as our own cursor when firing.
PLEASE fix that one at least, Bebop's combo of grabbing, uppercutting and firing is very necessary for a bebop build to work, that new buggy delay always gives people enough time to kill or escape bebop when he would've otherwise gotten the kill.
5. Bebop's ult is the only part of his kit that isn't experiencing major bugs, it's only that sometimes I press 4 to ult, bebop says the voice line, his arm starts glowing purple and nothing happens, died a few times to this bug, although more uncommon then the other bugs listed above.
Really hope bomb gets un nerfed again, as currently doing any kind of spirit build with bebop is pointless, I've had to switch to gun bebop for the moment.