Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 33941782 , 3 members of amber hand had absolutely no idea how the game worked and kept feeding, sapphire flame had 48 kills against AH's 8
Match 33945463 , difference in averange rank, Infernus probably even above that. No chance, were 0-19 at like 15 min, 10-58 at the end. 1742066717996.png
Every match since 28th February is a coin toss.

Constantly having hazes, yamatos etc. with lowest dmg overall, most death of course and average farm, at least 1 death every minute - wtf is this shit.

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It's impossible to play this game, it's not enough to play in a match where the average rank is Archon, since that's about 3 ranks below mine, the 2 unfortunates still take out after dying 4 times each, I was still the top kill of the match even with 2 less on the team, look at the level of the match, it took 15 minutes to finish the game with 2 less on my team, it irritates me to lose to such bad people, if the other 3 on my team weren't as bad as the enemy team we could have won with 2 less still.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
ID: 33960190
5 subrank differance 65k differance
Hey Deadlock team, another day another post I make again in this thread. The first game you put me in a Phantom lobby vs Ascendant when I am only in Oracle. Your matchmaker did a horrendous job at pairing me with a bad team of phantom against an eternus lobby and its not even my teammates fault because of the high rank gap. You then put me in a second game with emisarry vs emisarry but my team actually played like emisarry and the enemies played like Oracle because just look at the deaths and kills of the enemy team vs mine. 20/1 Yamato against 1/14 and 2/12 wraith and infernus. How am i supposed to win when they got better smurfs on their team? Just make your matchmaking like Dota please because this matches are bad. 60k networth difference in 27 Minutes lol, joke.
Matched with an enemy that has aimlock hacks. thanks guys. please take this case seriously, i reported him for cheating and his account is still not banned as he has played 8 games after that. Here is a 5 second clip of him just aimlocking my grey talon on the zip line so perfectly. This is literal proof he cheated his whole way and ruined the game for me and my teammates.
View attachment 38136


View attachment 38137
This is so bs, i matched against him too.

25 Minutes, Game ended with 60k difference in souls and 34 in kills. Actually it feels like the SBMM is not working in general since the major update and needs to be reworked completely with the meta changes. One game I win with 60k souls ahead, the other one I'm 60k souls down. There are barely any even games anymore.
весь день кидает в дисбалансную тиму, как то можно придумать чтоб в одной тиме не было 5 хард кэрри
The rank values says we are same rank, but everyone in my team had at worst 3 deaths, meanwhile the enemy team had a person that had 13 deaths and the overall death rate was around 6 or 7 in the enemy team. 20 minute match
In this team we just got rolled, everyone lost their towers around the 10 minute match and we were unable to protect the walkers, the only one that died in the enemy team more than 2 times was mginnis. 22 minute match
Match ID : 33989562

Urn literally dissapeared out of existence. And so many of my melees not hitting even though they're right on target, including on power-ups. This is compeltely horrible, lost the game becasue of this - since i jungled all game to carry my team only to lose to the dumb hit-registration constantly.
Значения ранга говорят, что у нас одинаковый ранг, но у всех в моей команде было в худшем случае 3 смерти, в то время как в команде противника был человек, у которого было 13 смертей, а общий уровень смертности во вражеской команде был около 6 или 7. Матч длился 20 минут
В этой команде нас просто выгнали, все потеряли свои башни где-то на 10-й минуте матча, и мы не смогли защитить ходячих, единственный, кто умер во вражеской команде больше 2 раз, был mginnis. Матч 22 минуты
не в ранге дело а в подборе персонажей , тима где 5 хардкери практически всегда будет падать от тимы где есть пару толстых
The farming snowball mechanic can make some games really unfun and basically unfair. I've seen it many times.

A team is winning, they are taking objectives and defending theirs well. One person on that team proceeds to spend a huge chunk of the game doing nothing but farming. They then come in the latter part of the game and annihilate the other team because they are 20k souls ahead of everyone. At that point they are near invincible and you can only do so much.

This feels like cheating even though it technically is not. It is not fun to play against. It also rewards that player for being a farm hoarder, and punishes everyone else for playing the game. Hopefully this is rectified somehow, I dont know how cause I'm not an experienced game dev, but it cannot continue. It turns off so many people from the game.
21 minute stomp, the only ones that had any real amount of resistance were me, vyper and vindicta, the other 3 couldnt do anything and they just got rolled, and then Me and vyper got rolled because 4 come over to take our guardian.
Just had a game where my teammates redefined the art of feeding —1/18/1 and 3/13/4, donating their souls like it was a clearance sale. Maybe they were new, but so am I! The difference is I don’t dive 1v6 all game.

Matchmaking? Enemy team was two ranks above us, while I was stuck in "Griefer Babysitting Simulator."

Honestly, we need a special matchmaking pool just for feeders and griefers—let them throw themselves at each other instead of dragging the rest of us down. Until then, I’ll keep watching my teammates deliver souls faster than express shipping. GG, I guess.
Match ID: 34020065