Bad Matchmaking Thread


3 games I played tonight that might have made me completely quit the game because of the MM. This has been common, but tonight was a bit of straw on the camels back and I'm reaching peak frustration.

All 3 games felt lost before laning was over. I'm doing well, but everyone else on my team might as well be throwing. The first 10 minutes of game play is enough for all 3 games to see were they are going.
I know everyone has different skillsets that allow them to get to a certain level, but there was never a chance to see that in these games.

Until the next MM change, I think I'll be avoiding Deadlock. And I absolutely love this game.
It seemed to have gotten better, but yesterday I had a match where a Viscous said it was literally his 1st game, so ofc he died many times and didn't know how to play.
And though my rank is not too high (around Alchemist 1), still imo it's not low enough to be teamed up with people for whom it's their first game.
We were stomped in 12 mins, 61k soul difference, no chance. =\
Match 29290566
It seemed to have gotten better, but yesterday I had a match where a Viscous said it was literally his 1st game, so ofc he died many times and didn't know how to play.
And though my rank is not too high (around Alchemist 1), still imo it's not low enough to be teamed up with people for whom it's their first game.
We were stomped in 12 mins, 61k soul difference, no chance. =\
Match 29290566
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comment this on the post i made this new matchmaking is a bug at this point

In usual Deadlock dogshit matchmaking fashion, of course after that 6 winstreak, you give me someone who goes 0/14 and 0/9 on my games.

there's really no escaping emissary jesus christ.

Match id: 29356224, 29302369, 29280232
My teammates are always feeding, I don't know why but I get a lot of bad players in my team, I cannot even see their ratings, why does it happen? I always have more or less good KDA, while I get several teammates with 0-15. Please decrease soul bounty for kills until you resolve MM matchups
It just ruins your willingness to play :(
ID: 29362641
Big skill gap like rolling a ball down the hill. I laned with Wraith against Shiv and Lash, both of the enemies seemed to have no clue throughout the game especially shiv. overall too easy game
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match id:29367720. Almost 30k souls difference, our team infernus just had 5k damage and we cant do anything as team to comeback with amunt of 30k souls diff. I wish they provide each players rating rather than team average ratting because it is not much useful


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Out of 8 games in the day, 6 were utter shit, and the 7th was not even fun (we stomped them hard, we felt bad for them). ONE GAME was cool in a WHOLE DAY of playing.

Can you please stop putting people for which it's like the first time they are playing with people archon/emissary ?

Every game with my friend, we won our laning phase and our team is getting stomped over and over again. Since the new patch, the fun is so gone. Some characters are busted and of course we keep facing these very characters with high ranking people playing them.

You must bring back ranked and casual games and you have to get your shit together and fix this whole matchmaking joke. I know people who are considering not playing the game anymore, and they are more and more. It's not fun to stomp people and it's not fun to get stomped, and if a game is not fun, people stop playing it.
рейтинг работает очень странно. Во-первых , подбор персонажей в командах ,посмотрите на фото и поймете что с таким подбором у противника всегда будет ОГРОМНОЕ ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВО , и как правило такие матчи нельзя выиграть.
во вторых подбор игроков , ну очень часто у меня в команде бывают игроки которые на своем лайне умудряются иметь в 3 раза меньше чем их противник ( например Иви с данной фотографии )
Я считаю что данную ситуацию можно исправить назначив каждому герою свою приблизительную должность и уже калибровать команды по этим должностям , тем самым в матчах не будет таких случаев что у вас в команде 2-3 помощника 0 танков и 1 дамаг диллер , а у пртивников 2 танка и 3 дамаг диллера


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Match Id: 29378589
Last 2 days has been atrocious. Consecutive low quality matches


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idk how to play this game anymore.
of the team's 7 kills, I made 6.
and after such matches I'm constantly demoted, which leads to even worse matches.
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29386551 - Awful game Haze wreckt us completely and it also gave the impresion that Haze was a smurf I checked the hour of the player and he had 89 Hours. Which is really strange since in Archon 1 nobody plays so brain dead agressive like haze did
MATCHID: 29393856

Another extremely unfun match to play. I have 3+ players on my team who have no idea how to play MOBAS and sit in jungle or edge of the map contributing nothing to the team while the enemy team is active and constantly ganking / taking objectives. The people in jungle contributing nothing to the team end up doing absolutely nothing with their networth in the mid game and just feed while we continue to get ran over.

These games just tell me you guys have no idea how to build metrics on what makes a good player in deadlock. Tons of players raised their rank just by tunneling neutrals because it was the optimal strategy for a while. Still I have players in my games who contribute nothing to the team and just sit in jungle / edge of the map while 2-3 of us fight off the enemy team and try to take objectives effectively making every game a 2-3v6. Farming is fine if you eventually have impact but these players just farm and then never have impact. I win my lane almost every game but then I'm just overwhelmed by the enemy team as I try to play the right way instead of sitting in jungle / edge of the map like my low skill teammates
Match 29402468
Match 29395961

I should never have been put into these solo lanes. Why am I being placed against people that have vastly superior reaction time, solo lane knowledge, shooting ability, and gameplay ability than me. This has been a constant problem with the removal of ranked queues. I have an overall negative win rate on my account, why am I getting placed against very good players.