Bad Matchmaking Thread

Not quite sure what's going on with matchmaking atm but we seem to be matched against 6 players that didn't quite know how to play the game. Was on Green lane with Seven and our opponents in lane (Wraith & McGinnis) didn't even know the importance of last hits and denies. Pics posted below should show the disparity. The skill disparity between both teams were insane to the point that I feel like going against bots would've actually been harder

Match 27877553

Complete stomp. Our team fed massively. Also massively toxic over mics. It didn't help that half our team kept DCing, probably because they're Russians playing on the EU servers. And on top of that, only two people actually ranked on our team vs 4 on theirs... That's just bad maths.
27823570 - poor balance, my team got stomped. Possibly new players feeding other team.
27825979 - poor balance, my team got stomped. Possibly new players feeding other team.
27829516 - poor balance, my team stomped the other team.

General comment about party play, for first 2 games could not get a lane switch to play with my party, 3rd game we could. Would really like to be paired with party player as default.

27877431 - other team completely stomped to point of them leaving, eventually was 6 v2
27879159 - other team completely stomped to point of them leaving, eventually was 6 v1

Suggestion - provide a team with a unanimous concede option. Playing 6v4, 3, 2, 1 is pointless and not fun. I get punished for leaving. Maybe give opposing team option to end game early?

Last though - it's been a few days since I remember having a good close game. It is stomp after stomp after stomp now.

85k vs 123k at end 19m. My team agreed we were all pretty equally skilled and matched up against a team that was universally of a higher caliber.
Another match where entire team is just feeding and cant stop themselves. You tell them over and over to just chill out a bit, but noo... It so annoying to lose rank like this...

Was playing with a newbie friend and I was supposed to lane against the asc lash but they lane swapped over to the lower mmr players in the game and just snowballed from there.
All other lanes were massive stomps as well.
new player feeding vs people with hundreds of hours, apparently he queued solo.
Solo queue.

ivy feeding while spamming insults in voice chat. Ivy queued with seven and has 0 reasons to be in this game.
Solo queue
Match 27922342

Four people on my team had zero macro knowledge of the game. Running as 4 in a lane. Ignoring objectives. Never defending. Camping at stupid times.

Like I had an AWFUL lane myself, but somehow still doing better than the rest of my team.
wraith completely out of her depths, unable to play, leaving the team 5v6. Another completely unbalanced game. Solo queue
After my last ranked game last night which i posted in this thread I was pretty tilted. My first ranked game today I'm matched with the SAME WRAITH as last night. AGAIN, he underperforms severely and it's a stomp. What the hell is up with matchmaking lately? Ranked was very fun and competitive before with people of similar skills. Now it's putting unranked players who have no business in these high mmr games and it's causing an instant loss before the game even starts.

After my last ranked game last night which i posted in this thread I was pretty tilted. My first ranked game today I'm matched with the SAME WRAITH as last night. AGAIN, he underperforms severely and it's a stomp. What the hell is up with matchmaking lately? Ranked was very fun and competitive before with people of similar skills. Now it's putting unranked players who have no business in these high mmr games and it's causing an instant loss before the game even starts.

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It's because 75% of the player base has left