An odd request

I don't think spamming same thread over and over again will change developers mind(hopefully). Haze v1 is an Sci-Fi/StarWars Design and will not fit in current theme of deadlock
I don't think spamming same thread over and over again will change developers mind(hopefully). Haze v1 is an Sci-Fi/StarWars Design and will not fit in current theme of deadlock
Deadlock takes place in early to mid 1900s New York. Around this time, UFO conspiracies were at an all time high. Once could argue Deadlock should use more aliens, to better communicate this premise. In order to appeal to a wider audience, I would give the alien rabbit ears, and have them dual wield 2 SMGs. Through this natural progression of the game's premise, is this not Haze v1?

Regarding the lore, I suggest that Haze v1 should be the child of Mo & Krill, or perhaps be the illegitimate child of Haze (Deadlock), foreshadowed by them sharing the same name. Honestly this slots so well into the story, Valve should pay me just for writing this.

I encourage you to give this more consideration. Below I've created a graph of what I think will happen after Haze v1 is added to the game.

stats real.png