Add recoil

The game needs heroes designed around having a weapon with recoil. It would attract a lot of players who enjoy that kind of gameplay. They should of course be rewarded for the extra effort, so such heroes could have simpler to use abilities to compensate. I think it's possible to have a game where heroes with no recoil can be balanced with those that do.
The game needs heroes designed around having a weapon with recoil. It would attract a lot of players who enjoy that kind of gameplay. They should of course be rewarded for the extra effort, so such heroes could have simpler to use abilities to compensate. I think it's possible to have a game where heroes with no recoil can be balanced with those that do.
this actually is a good idea having a character that is based around pure gunplay. Similar to how you can play Wraith but it still required the use of abilities to help buff her weapon. I do think the game should stay with no recoil as the fights are already insanely hectic having to also manage recoil would be too much imo. Also increase the skill floor which I feel is worse as this game has a a fairly low skill floor especially for a MOBA.
Yes, you are right, but heroes with automatic weapons are already in the game and they can add new interesting ideas, although I doubt it, since I see that they want everyone to have the same damage without items, which does not fit with a revolver which has average 7 bullets. But what to do with the existing heroes? their shooting seems boring and monotonous, as if from a toy weapon. Why are there so few shooter games that have no recoil, because it's a bad idea and shooting gets boring quickly. I repeat, if the game continues to have such easy-to-learn mechanics compared to other Valve projects, then you won’t be able to play Deadlock for thousands of hours because after a few hundred the game will become boring. shooting is the basis, I think they did this in the first place and will not change it.
This is a movement shooter, gunplay is more about tracking and prediction than hitting tiny hitboxes with recoil on relatively static targets
I highly disagree with the recoil implementation.

Having recoil against creeps is pointless. Doing it to heroes that doesnt get 1 tap is pointless. The whole point of the game is chasing, tracking, using your abilities to counter another abilities, using your ability to kill, outplaying your opponenent. Why would you want some weird ass recoil that doesnt contribute anything to the gameplay, except making it fancier? harder?

"Why are there so few shooter games that have no recoil, because it's a bad idea and shooting gets boring quickly.............."

? What do you mean? Overwatch is still going on, Apex doesnt have recoil and is going good, CoD and Battlefield, while have some recoil, not like CS/Valorant is still going good. Heck, even Battlebit Remaster is still going good. That said, the reason why CS is going strong is because of its fan based and is loyal players while Valorant is because its the anti CS of Valve ( another alternative to CS ).

Also how does recoil and spray pattern will change the outcome of the game? Making a game harder doesnt = more people playing. Why do you think more people are playing an easier game LoL than a rather hard game like Dota?
I hate recoil, and recoil control would be an unnecessary skill ceiling in a game that already has so many things going on. If you're concerned about skill gaps, then focus on itemisation, neutral farming routes, lane swapping, objective timings, split pushing, ratting, etc.
Increase shooting damage and make your rolls a little slower. Yes, it will be difficult to hit the enemy, but good players will have an advantage over those who are poor shooters because now your aim almost doesn’t matter, and in my opinion, the more difficult, the more interesting.
I find fast movment and learning to aim with it much more interesting than learning some recoil pattern. I personally always had more fun in shooters without much/any recoil.
Increase shooting damage and make your rolls a little slower. Yes, it will be difficult to hit the enemy, but good players will have an advantage over those who are poor shooters because now your aim almost doesn’t matter, and in my opinion, the more difficult, the more interesting.
You have, at this point, just created a different game. This is not CS, and is not trying to be. Good players already do have advantage over poor players - there's infinite skill expression in a game like this already, both in the already present aiming, and in tactics, ability usage, team co-ordination, etcetera. Adding clunky, uncomfortable feeling recoil unique to every hero would not feel good.
The game is not about recoil.

It doesn't jive with the goals of the game's design. Nor does it make it feel better. It needlessly complicates almost every dynamic of moving while shooting.
Gotta add a nay to the recoil idea bud, sorry. There are plenty of games out there if that kind of gunplay is what you're after imo. I'd rather the game be much more about movement, positioning and ability use (so skewed towards MOBA really). I will say though, you have a point on the mix of doing shit time.. There is perhaps a way of making the interaction downtime a little lower so that it doesn't feel like you're just autoing constantly.
Its already difficult to shoot them orbs while moving, adding recoil physics while doing that will just end up people whiffing every shot
Make each hero his own shooting pattern like a weapon in CS 2, and so that the game does not turn into shootouts in which no one gets hit, you can increase the damage at a distance. This will make the heroes more interesting, more varied and after 1000 hours the game will not be boring.

For example, for example, in Dota, each hero has his own attack animation, damage, attack speed and his own movement speed. In the deadlock, this is also there, but it does not change the gameplay, everyone just shoots at each other, all the characters feel the same.
Besides, there are 123 heroes in Dota, and here there are 10 times fewer, so I think that it will be boring to shoot thousands of hours without recoil.
oh god please no
This is not a slow paced, round based, low TTK tactical FPS. It is a high mobility, high TTK TPS while also being a MOBA. I don't know what you are talking about the game becoming boring because of no recoil. There is so much more going on than holding angles and trying to get the first shot on someone.