Add recoil


New member
Make each hero his own shooting pattern like a weapon in CS 2, and so that the game does not turn into shootouts in which no one gets hit, you can increase the damage at a distance. This will make the heroes more interesting, more varied and after 1000 hours the game will not be boring.

For example, for example, in Dota, each hero has his own attack animation, damage, attack speed and his own movement speed. In the deadlock, this is also there, but it does not change the gameplay, everyone just shoots at each other, all the characters feel the same.
Besides, there are 123 heroes in Dota, and here there are 10 times fewer, so I think that it will be boring to shoot thousands of hours without recoil.
but everyone is hopping, air dashing, and sliding around, you think that would mix well?
Increase shooting damage and make your rolls a little slower. Yes, it will be difficult to hit the enemy, but good players will have an advantage over those who are poor shooters because now your aim almost doesn’t matter, and in my opinion, the more difficult, the more interesting.
Increase shooting damage and make your rolls a little slower. Yes, it will be difficult to hit the enemy, but good players will have an advantage over those who are poor shooters because now your aim almost doesn’t matter, and in my opinion, the more difficult, the more interesting.
Arent you just averaging out to have the same result for DPS, but making it less dynamic? Also how can you say aim doesnt matter if recoil adds just an aspect of memorizing the recoil pattern, you can say movement technics are the same aspect you have to learn but its more fun to learn and play. Also, there is recoil for some heroes tho, its not just so prominent (Wraith, Paradox).
Arent you just averaging out to have the same result for DPS, but making it less dynamic? Also how can you say aim doesnt matter if recoil adds just an aspect of memorizing the recoil pattern, you can say movement technics are the same aspect you have to learn but its more fun to learn and play. Also, there is recoil for some heroes tho, its not just so prominent (Wraith, Paradox).
I said that aim has a small meaning. Why can’t there be both recoil and movement technics? And yes, by the popularity of Overwatch you can understand that people are not interested movement technics, but by the popularity of cs 2 and Valorant you can understand that people are interested in returns. I just don’t want the game to repeat the fate of Overwatch.
recoil is fine and weapons desperately need to feel different from each other but spread patterns are a farce
I meant, here the recoil can be slower and smoother, for example, to see the shooting pattern in cs 2 you need to shoot 25 times here in deadlock 50, if you make recoil with simply lowering the sight to the bottom like in call of duty or battlefield, then the game will become much more interesting but the characters will still feel the same. I just think that the game needs mechanics that need to be studied thousands of games.
I meant, here the recoil can be slower and smoother, for example, to see the shooting pattern in cs 2 you need to shoot 25 times here in deadlock 50, if you make recoil with simply lowering the sight to the bottom like in call of duty or battlefield, then the game will become much more interesting but the characters will still feel the same. I just think that the game needs mechanics that need to be studied thousands of games.
there's already items, abilities and counters besides other things. Practicing a spread pattern which you need to repeat every single time you shoot would not only be unrealistic but also tedious, there's no counterplay to someone moving their mouse a certain way every single time and the game is more of a moba than a shooter, meaning it's more about the abilities and how you deal with them. It's more fun to dodge or counter abilities than it is to watch an enemy repeat the same pattern over and over again.
there's already items, abilities and counters besides other things. Practicing a spread pattern which you need to repeat every single time you shoot would not only be unrealistic but also tedious, there's no counterplay to someone moving their mouse a certain way every single time and the game is more of a moba than a shooter, meaning it's more about the abilities and how you deal with them. It's more fun to dodge or counter abilities than it is to watch an enemy repeat the same pattern over and over again.
60% of the gameplay is shooting, you shoot not only at heroes but also at creeps and it’s boring and 10% is abilities and how you dodge or counter. Over time dodging abilities will become boring because there are 20 heroes and if both in the fight play through shooting, then it turns into pressing all the skills which do not cause damage, 3 rolls then AFK shooting, no one is stopping you from playing through the ability to dodge them and from bullets with rolls and strafes, I just want it to be interesting shooting. As a moba, Dota is better because there are a lot more heroes and mechanics. I don’t know of any other ways to make shooting more interesting, characters more diverse, and the game more difficult.
The more difficult the shooting, the more interesting the shooter; also, the more complex the moba, the better it is, but here there is none of that.
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60% of the gameplay is shooting, you shoot not only at heroes but also at creeps and it’s boring and 10% is abilities and how you dodge or counter. Over time dodging abilities will become boring because there are 20 heroes and if both in the fight play through shooting, then it turns into pressing all the skills which do not cause damage, 3 rolls then AFK shooting, no one is stopping you from playing through the ability to dodge them and from bullets with rolls and strafes, I just want it to be interesting shooting. As a moba, Dota is better because there are a lot more heroes and mechanics. I don’t know of any other ways to make shooting more interesting, characters more diverse, and the game more difficult.
shooting could be more interesting if weapons were more interesting. It's a noir fantasy setting with magic, curses, ghosts, demons and robots and yet 90% of the guns are either semi auto or full auto, to the point where guns which should feel different, like revolvers, are forced into being anything except unique. That being said they are in closed alpha and maybe they had other priorities, like establishing the moba elements of their moba game.
shooting could be more interesting if weapons were more interesting. It's a noir fantasy setting with magic, curses, ghosts, demons and robots and yet 90% of the guns are either semi auto or full auto, to the point where guns which should feel different, like revolvers, are forced into being anything except unique. That being said they are in closed alpha and maybe they had other priorities, like establishing the moba elements of their moba game.
Yes, you are right, but heroes with automatic weapons are already in the game and they can add new interesting ideas, although I doubt it, since I see that they want everyone to have the same damage without items, which does not fit with a revolver which has average 7 bullets. But what to do with the existing heroes? their shooting seems boring and monotonous, as if from a toy weapon. Why are there so few shooter games that have no recoil, because it's a bad idea and shooting gets boring quickly. I repeat, if the game continues to have such easy-to-learn mechanics compared to other Valve projects, then you won’t be able to play Deadlock for thousands of hours because after a few hundred the game will become boring. shooting is the basis, I think they did this in the first place and will not change it.
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Make each hero his own shooting pattern like a weapon in CS 2, and so that the game does not turn into shootouts in which no one gets hit, you can increase the damage at a distance. This will make the heroes more interesting, more varied and after 1000 hours the game will not be boring.

For example, for example, in Dota, each hero has his own attack animation, damage, attack speed and his own movement speed. In the deadlock, this is also there, but it does not change the gameplay, everyone just shoots at each other, all the characters feel the same.
Besides, there are 123 heroes in Dota, and here there are 10 times fewer, so I think that it will be boring to shoot thousands of hours without recoil.
That would make the game even more complicated and raise the learning curve even higher. You'd need to practice sprays on top of doing trial and error of your own builds.