
New member
Abrams is universally, an annoying hero to fight against, I hate him so much I would genuinely castrate myself rather than fight against him. He suffers from the same issue that most tanks in Deadlock do, that is BEING FAR TOO HIGH DPS, when they're literally supposed mitigating damage instead of dealing it directly up my ass. That doesn't make sense. Also, a detective killed my father. His punch combined with life steal items, allows him to be on the brink of death and then recover to full health, with no skill required at all. Now, quite frankly, I can't tell you how to fix this, gaming is the only thing I know and I'm very bad at it. You, however, have the power to fix this. Do it, please, before I eat my own fucking hand. Like the hit Kendrick Lamar song Not Like Us, I am going to beat his ass and hide his book if the patron's watching. ALL Abrams players are skill less hacks that make me want to literally jump off the nearest bridge. His entire kit revolves around life steal and close quarters combat, life steal is already overrepresented in this game, but this is made worse by the fact that he keeps fucking me in the ass. Why is a tank able to deal as much damage as a DPS like Seven.

I would like to end on the note, that I deeply respect your work on this game and it is genuinely very enjoyable, BARRING THE FUCKING TRAVESTY THAT IS ABRAMS.


I have never agreed with a sentiment more in my entire life. As a proper Christian man, I found it very hard to believe that there was something that could touch my soul more deeply than the stories of Mathew in the bible. this post changed that world view
I fully agree with the points you are making. As a gamer myself(Grandmaster II in LoL), I feel as though I have never come in contact with such an aggravating character. The impact that lifesteal has on his melee is not an ability to be messed with, and it makes playing the game as a team against an Abrams extremely unenjoyable. While I am up for a good challenge, Abrams damage output as a whole makes matches irritating. I feel as though the amount of damage he puts out should instead be exchanged for mitigated damage. In this case, his "scale" should be heavier on the tanky side and lighter on the DPS side.

Altogether, I agree that Abrams as a whole is extremely unbalanced and his damage output as a tank needs to be altered to compensate to mesh better with the rest of the game as a whole.

His presence as a blue man in the game gives me heebee jeebees. Knowing that a blue man is sneaking around in the shadows truly frightens me to my core.
Why he blue tho???
I disagree for multiple reasons. With all respect:

1. Other games have trouble getting people to play tank. Just applying stuns and pulls for the dps to take kill credit for is something that nobody wants to do with their free time. The tanks need do damage or nobody wants to play them. The only difference between a tank and an assassin is that the first one is damage over time and the second one is burst damage. In order to pull off damage over time in close quarters, you need tankiness.
Mitigating damage isn't playing the game. It's making other people not play it.
Healing damage isn't playing the game. It's making other people unplay it.
Damaging characters in every role are the fun ones.

2. The tanks need to do damage or they'll have fewer build options and fewer play options. Then, Valve will have to make items that are "for" tank. Now haze can build 1 of those items and run the table in a balance nightmare. Please stop. Tanks are just the first dps. Dps are the second dps. Supports are the 3rd dps. Everybody gets to play.

That character irritates you because you can't answer him. Full stop. Just say that.
That statement doesn't disagree with the idea that he's off balance. That statement also doesn't need you to go prescribing solutions. You don't know what they're trying to make. Let the characters be versatile, please. He annoys you because he kills you and you can't kill him back.

That's a fair complaint.
There is a lot to counter him at tier 2-3 items. But if you dont bother to buy those he's gonna be out of control. Only problem is his passive on lane and snowball potential. He is not even changing other people gameplay.
I disagree for multiple reasons. With all respect:

1. Other games have trouble getting people to play tank. Just applying stuns and pulls for the dps to take kill credit for is something that nobody wants to do with their free time. The tanks need do damage or nobody wants to play them. The only difference between a tank and an assassin is that the first one is damage over time and the second one is burst damage. In order to pull off damage over time in close quarters, you need tankiness.
Mitigating damage isn't playing the game. It's making other people not play it.
Healing damage isn't playing the game. It's making other people unplay it.
Damaging characters in every role are the fun ones.

2. The tanks need to do damage or they'll have fewer build options and fewer play options. Then, Valve will have to make items that are "for" tank. Now haze can build 1 of those items and run the table in a balance nightmare. Please stop. Tanks are just the first dps. Dps are the second dps. Supports are the 3rd dps. Everybody gets to play.

That character irritates you because you can't answer him. Full stop. Just say that.
That statement doesn't disagree with the idea that he's off balance. That statement also doesn't need you to go prescribing solutions. You don't know what they're trying to make. Let the characters be versatile, please. He annoys you because he kills you and you can't kill him back.

That's a fair complaint.
Literally my first game as this character, genuinely didn't even try. Have never played a MOBA before and am usually shit at FPS's.
This post reads like medication being out of stock. But on topic: Abrams is incredibly obvious in everything that he does. Yes - he's strong, as at certain points in the game you will have no choice but to bearfight him in some capacity but usually he's easily avoided or kited.

When Abrams is punch spamming just press the parry button. It stuns him for a hilariously long period of time. The thing with new players is that they don't understand this mechanic yet and/or haven't integrated it in their playing. Abrams cannot get away with just punching against any half-competent player.
There are plenty of things that will be reworked, part of the fun in the current state of the game is finding what works best for you! Keep experimenting, keep finding the balance of trying out new characters but also not giving up on the ones you have played.
come on man, he bring fist in a gun fight, you atleast gotta respect that.

hes the only melee viable heroes out there, leave him alone.

a good haze or seven can just do 2k hp gone within a split of a second.

and many other heroes can do more with much more distance

he need to go right up your face to actually do that.

leave abrams alone.
toxic bullets literally shuts him down, learn the game you braindead monkey
I'd like to let you know that, yes, I can kill Abrams. This post is exaggerated, a good Infernus build can shut him down. The issue is that on lower levels of play, this character is busted. I'm well aware that good players can take him down, I can do it fairly easily now myself. The issue is that with no experience with the character and no MOBA experience, I was able to dominate my first match as him without even trying. I would literally just jump in between five of the enemies on my own and kill at least three of them purely through mashing q.
Literally played against an Abrams last match.

the easy trick on lane is... F
Parry his melee and he is dead.

Afterwards, toxic bullets, and maybe healbane, and -> F

But he is busted, if people dont parry, he is a beast, with a few items, and he can show up on a lane, with the zipline boost, and get a pesky vindicta push her back, and punch literally her life out of her.
Abrams is universally, an annoying hero to fight against, I hate him so much I would genuinely castrate myself rather than fight against him. He suffers from the same issue that most tanks in Deadlock do, that is BEING FAR TOO HIGH DPS, when they're literally supposed mitigating damage instead of dealing it directly up my ass. That doesn't make sense. Also, a detective killed my father. His punch combined with life steal items, allows him to be on the brink of death and then recover to full health, with no skill required at all. Now, quite frankly, I can't tell you how to fix this, gaming is the only thing I know and I'm very bad at it. You, however, have the power to fix this. Do it, please, before I eat my own fucking hand. Like the hit Kendrick Lamar song Not Like Us, I am going to beat his ass and hide his book if the patron's watching. ALL Abrams players are skill less hacks that make me want to literally jump off the nearest bridge. His entire kit revolves around life steal and close quarters combat, life steal is already overrepresented in this game, but this is made worse by the fact that he keeps fucking me in the ass. Why is a tank able to deal as much damage as a DPS like Seven.

I would like to end on the note, that I deeply respect your work on this game and it is genuinely very enjoyable, BARRING THE FUCKING TRAVESTY THAT IS ABRAMS.
Definitely take this to the feedback forums. :3