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Hey all! I know Noir is hardly a novel idea.... But I have all these thoughts in my head that are begging to come out, and Deadlock is a bit of an obsession of mine at the moment. So I'm doing this for me. He's inspired by classic noir and old comics.
NOIR- Hank Shaw, the cursed private eye.
Cursed dick, even. A hexed hawkshaw. The puns are endless.
Story: Hank Shaw, 39 years old, was investigating a cultist ring as a veteran homicide detective for the NYPD. However, as he was about to bust up the ring, he was caught by a powerful cult propagandist, getting covered in ritualistic ink. This nearly killed him, and he was hospitalized for months, rendering him cursed to have no colors at all except for his lucky hanky. This also granted him bizarre powers. Obviously, he lost his job and the police wanted nothing to do with him in his newly bizarre and unsettling state, and his wife Delores left him due to his inky cold touch. So, heartbroken but not defeated, he started Shades of Gray, his private detective agency, his newfound powers leading him to new heights of success. When words of the powers of the patrons came about, he knew this was his chance to get cured and live a normal life again, even still wearing his wedding ring - but is he really still the same guy he used to be?

Role: Hank is an ink-cursed detective and as such uses warped inky detective powers to control the battlefield and hunt down opposing heroes. His inky, large revolver is a balanced weapon that excels in medium/close range. He can roam and gank or support the team with his varied toolkit.
Visibility/Silhouette : While he's quite human shaped, his stark color difference to the world around him combined with the slightly writhing inkiness of his appearance should make him obvious at any range.
Powers (The % here are just guesswork, obviously this would need to be balanced further!)
Hank holds out a cursed magnifying glass that has a creepy eyeball in it. By viewing an opponent through it, it increases the hitbox and size of a target. For opponents, this may result in being unable to fit in small spaces and make them easy to hit. For friendlies, this comes with increased damage output and health. Can be self cast.
Analysis: Enemies who are huge have a tough time escaping from a gank or fight, and makes them easier to harass early game.
2 Hankerchief (sic - it's a pun, lemme have it.)
Hank throws out his lucky handkerchief like a grenade, blanketing the floor. Enemies that step on it it become slowed and take damage from red inky tendrils. A secondary mode will instead require a careful aim to skill shot a lobbed direct hit a target as they get wrapped in it and take extra damage, and can be whiffed.
Analysis: Can be a targeted CC or area of effect. Enlarged enemies are easier to hit with the secondary mode. The AOE can be countered by high mobility heroes who can float, since you need to step on it for it to work.
Recent 'crimes' such as killing an creep creates a stacking debuff that leads inky blood trails that Hank can see, up to 40m/70m/90m/120m away to the killer for 5/10/13/15 seconds (each stack has its own expiry timer). Hank does an extra 15/20/23/25% damage per stack to the killer during this time period. Damage amp stacks 3/4/5/6 times. An enemy killing an allied hero applies 3 stacks at double the duration.
Analysis: A tracker hero is a common sight among hero shooters, but this skill really takes off only if an opponent is doing something naughty. Late game this can help Hank clean up if the team is losing the fight.
Hank blows cursed pipe smoke over his gun, briefly transforming it into a bigger, more powerful version of itself, limiting it down to six slower shots. Enemies hit take heavy damage, become silenced by inky tendrils, and grayscale for a short period. This effect causes a plume of dark smoke to waft out of the gun's barrel making it more obvious that this effect is active.
Analysis: Everyone loves a golden gun effect! I mean uh, black smoky inky gun.
To Lash: And they call me a dick!
To Abrams: Not every case is a nail, you know. (Referring to him being a brute).
To Warden: Hey rent-a-cop, can you at least pretend to be british?
To Seven: You think a master criminal would have found a better sombrero.
To Mo & Krill: Don't think I don't know what you're up to.
To Dynamo: Never could get used to the bowtie, myself.
To Vindicta: You know, if you wore shoes, you could just walk like a normal person.
Hope you like it! For the record, he likes his cuppa joe to be black. Inky black.
NOIR- Hank Shaw, the cursed private eye.
Cursed dick, even. A hexed hawkshaw. The puns are endless.
Story: Hank Shaw, 39 years old, was investigating a cultist ring as a veteran homicide detective for the NYPD. However, as he was about to bust up the ring, he was caught by a powerful cult propagandist, getting covered in ritualistic ink. This nearly killed him, and he was hospitalized for months, rendering him cursed to have no colors at all except for his lucky hanky. This also granted him bizarre powers. Obviously, he lost his job and the police wanted nothing to do with him in his newly bizarre and unsettling state, and his wife Delores left him due to his inky cold touch. So, heartbroken but not defeated, he started Shades of Gray, his private detective agency, his newfound powers leading him to new heights of success. When words of the powers of the patrons came about, he knew this was his chance to get cured and live a normal life again, even still wearing his wedding ring - but is he really still the same guy he used to be?

Role: Hank is an ink-cursed detective and as such uses warped inky detective powers to control the battlefield and hunt down opposing heroes. His inky, large revolver is a balanced weapon that excels in medium/close range. He can roam and gank or support the team with his varied toolkit.
Visibility/Silhouette : While he's quite human shaped, his stark color difference to the world around him combined with the slightly writhing inkiness of his appearance should make him obvious at any range.
Powers (The % here are just guesswork, obviously this would need to be balanced further!)
Hank holds out a cursed magnifying glass that has a creepy eyeball in it. By viewing an opponent through it, it increases the hitbox and size of a target. For opponents, this may result in being unable to fit in small spaces and make them easy to hit. For friendlies, this comes with increased damage output and health. Can be self cast.
Analysis: Enemies who are huge have a tough time escaping from a gank or fight, and makes them easier to harass early game.
2 Hankerchief (sic - it's a pun, lemme have it.)
Hank throws out his lucky handkerchief like a grenade, blanketing the floor. Enemies that step on it it become slowed and take damage from red inky tendrils. A secondary mode will instead require a careful aim to skill shot a lobbed direct hit a target as they get wrapped in it and take extra damage, and can be whiffed.
Analysis: Can be a targeted CC or area of effect. Enlarged enemies are easier to hit with the secondary mode. The AOE can be countered by high mobility heroes who can float, since you need to step on it for it to work.
Recent 'crimes' such as killing an creep creates a stacking debuff that leads inky blood trails that Hank can see, up to 40m/70m/90m/120m away to the killer for 5/10/13/15 seconds (each stack has its own expiry timer). Hank does an extra 15/20/23/25% damage per stack to the killer during this time period. Damage amp stacks 3/4/5/6 times. An enemy killing an allied hero applies 3 stacks at double the duration.
Analysis: A tracker hero is a common sight among hero shooters, but this skill really takes off only if an opponent is doing something naughty. Late game this can help Hank clean up if the team is losing the fight.
Hank blows cursed pipe smoke over his gun, briefly transforming it into a bigger, more powerful version of itself, limiting it down to six slower shots. Enemies hit take heavy damage, become silenced by inky tendrils, and grayscale for a short period. This effect causes a plume of dark smoke to waft out of the gun's barrel making it more obvious that this effect is active.
Analysis: Everyone loves a golden gun effect! I mean uh, black smoky inky gun.
To Lash: And they call me a dick!
To Abrams: Not every case is a nail, you know. (Referring to him being a brute).
To Warden: Hey rent-a-cop, can you at least pretend to be british?
To Seven: You think a master criminal would have found a better sombrero.
To Mo & Krill: Don't think I don't know what you're up to.
To Dynamo: Never could get used to the bowtie, myself.
To Vindicta: You know, if you wore shoes, you could just walk like a normal person.
Hope you like it! For the record, he likes his cuppa joe to be black. Inky black.
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