Ability Ideas - General


New member
I've been keeping a document of cool/interesting abilities that I would like to see some characters have or use. Here is a general list with some general description attached. I may post more to this thread if any come to mind.
  • Spirit/Bullet Absorb
    • Takes in ability/bullet damage to empower their other abilities.
    • Possibly adds a spirit/bullet shield that scales w/ spirit.
  • Spirit/Bullet Reflect
    • Actively reflects ability/bullet damage back to the caster.
  • Information/Wards
    • Placeable areas that keep map info up for the team.
    • Might just need to be a consumable
      • Why are there no consumable items? I think those would be neat.
      • Maybe items you find in boxes go to a consumable slot and you can buy others from the store.
  • Travel Line Surge
    • Ability/Ult that electrifies a travel line, boosting friendlies and damaging enemies.
  • Mind Control
    • Take over an enemy player temporarily.
      • Can't use their abilities/ult, or their abilities cooldowns aren't affected by the controller.
  • Attach/Combine
    • Join onto a friendly player, giving shields/extra HP.
    • Lose movement control, gain additional abilities/properties
  • Long-Distance Teleport
    • Click/move within range on the map and teleport there. Limit it so they can’t tp from base to base.
  • Clone/Copy
    • Copy another friendly/enemy player’s ult.
  • Stance Swap
    • Change from melee weapon to ranged weapon.
  • Slam Together
    • Hit two enemies with the same ability, then they launch at each other. If they collide, deal more damage.
  • Monster Form
    • Transform into a beast/monster/eldritch being - changes the main weapon and abilities. Basically two characters in one.
    • Have one be a close range damage dealer and the other a long range damage dealer.
  • Arena/Duel
    • Pull another character to a separate map and force them into a 1v1.
  • Banish
    • Send a friendly or enemy character into "the ethereal plane", can't take damage and can't deal damage.
  • Blind
    • An ability that can temporarily blind the enemy from seeing their screen
  • Deafen
    • An ability that can temporarily deafen the enemy from hearing their surroundings (maybe attach some other debuff to this as well).
  • Landmine
    • Similar to Grey Talon’s trap, but deals damage instead of stunning.
  • Switcheroo
    • Send out a clone to bait enemies into shooting it, press the ability again to swap positions with it.
  • Heal/Harm Stance
    • Ult that quick-swaps someone’s stance from dealing damage to empower their other stance that heals themselves or allies.