a new hero - created in a dream


New member
I dreamed about new hero and would like to share the dream:
The heroes description was "7 facets, discover yourself while you play". She had 7 abilities to choose from at start. After picking one, that would change the options offered next time: it could be something that modifies her already chosen ability, it could be that certain abilities are not available to be chosen anymore (mutual exclusivity), it could be a passive offered as an option. The passive she actually got in the dream, was a "skin sickness" were she started taking damage when being exposed to sunlight. There was a hint that there might be a cure later on and alternatively she could become more vampire like. (note: I don't think such a passive would fit the actual game, due to the sun light damage mechanic disruption combat flow and the entire map would have to be basically designed around such a mechanic).
What I found interesting is how the picked facets could effect each other: in one game one could pick an ability that uses up a class based resource. In another game that same ability could be also picked, but without the class based resource being there at all - it would just function differently and not use up a resource.
Furthermore the character changed both visually and in a narrative way - with a commentator telling what was going on. That was really cool.
Overall the dream experience was really enjoyable and might express a desire for a more complex character with high possibility for customization during the game. It might be hard to balance such a character, however Dota 2 has actually managed to implement some really unusual and complex characters like Invokers. I hope it could be achieved in this game as well.

Another idea I had for a hero, would be a hero that has a context sensitive ability to interact with the map: it could close a door and trap other characters with it in the room, cast an electric explosion on a nearby teleporter to deal damage and make it dysfunction for a while (both for stopping people from escaping and coming to help), create a new pathway by bursting the glass windows of a building, cut a rope, quickly grow an aggressively attacking plant (similiar to a tower) on a location with soil and so on