4:3 aspect ratio issues

"Deadlock, like Dota and other S2 games (except CS2 which doesn't let you play online with any gameinfo.gi edit) supports custom addons through VPK overrides in gameinfo.gi. To use these, you need to:

Modify SearchPaths value in gameinfo.gi to be like this:

Game citadel/addons
Mod citadel
Write citadel
Game citadel
Write core
Mod core
Game core

SearchPaths value must look like this!

Your addons folder in citadel folder can be named anything, but let's name it addons for convenience sake. This also means you can have multiple folders like addons1,addons2 and etc...

Then, your installed addons must be solely named pakXX_dir.vpk. Install them into the citadel/addons folder. You can have merge multiple VPKs by naming other ones pak02_dir, pak03_dir if your main one is named pak01_dir and so on. If you have a VData mod like custom heroes one, the one in pak01_dir will take priority.
Most cosmetic changes work online, but some changes like vdata ones and response rules may not work online."
I have a strange writing in the upper left corner, is this supposed to be the case or did I do something wrong?


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