In the past dozens of matches, matching to Tokyo servers or Singapore servers or inexplicably MULTIPLE Hong Kong servers has resulted in 100ms+ latency and 10's of lore, and only on Hong Kong servers can I play properly, out options let's choose our own servers!
The old map had a much more tactical and team-oriented game. You killed this with the new map, but the whole team is running towards us from the middle lane and it is too late until we go to help the other lanes. There was an unnecessary map change. Balancing the characters or minor changes would be enough.
So I don't use these forums that often since I don't play deadlock much, but since I logged in to report a bug I decided to just browse a little bit and now here looking at your page I see people complaining about 3 months without a patch? Even though the last patch was only 2 weeks ago, and there have been several patches within the past 2 months? What's all this about? I'm very confused about this...