Recent content by michichael

  1. michichael

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    33792043 - another absurdly onesided game. Literally 13-44 where I was responsible for 11 of the kills. 0-11 Viscous vs 13-0 holiday and 12-1 cat and 7-1 bebop. Literally an impossible to win match because it's braindead vs cracked, the teams were not REMOTELY comparable. This kind of...
  2. michichael

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    33771193 - 20-50 game. Was a stomp from minute zero. Absolutely zero fun to play. Allegedly a Archon 6 vs Archon 6 match, and no, no it was not. Not even close.
  3. michichael

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    33441791 Absurdly onesided match with a vyper that had 90% headshots.
  4. michichael

    Viscous Goo Ball interaction with stake results in exponential movspeed

    Discovered bug live tonight with Viscous and Vindicta's stake ability. Probably other "hold" abilities will do the same thing. If goo is in ball form and gets hung OFF the ground, her speed continues to increase. When she lands, she rocket's off. This is easily reproducible, and simply...
  5. michichael

    Menu UI Missing if customize build is open when you enter game.

    Bug: Main menu cannot be accessed by hitting the keybind (ESC) if the match started while you were editing a build. To reproduce: Queue for a match then start editing a build. Behavior: Hitting "escape" doesn't bring up the menu. If you hit "B" to buy, you'll find that you're in the build...