Zipline cancel


New member
This isn't exactly a bug, but it's something I've encountered when rebinding the cancel key. If you change the cancel key from the default spacebar (to avoid accidentally canceling your ultimate while trying to jump out of CC), it also changes how you dismount from a zipline.

For example, after rebinding cancel to F, I now have to press F to get off the zipline, which feels awkward. Additionally, there's an issue with characters who have abilities that let you fly up or down. If you bind the upward ability to space (which makes sense because space is for jumping), you end up accidentally interacting with ziplines mid-flight.

Possible solutions:

  1. Add a separate keybind specifically for zipline cancel.
  2. Introduce a double-press or long-press option for the ability cancel key.
  3. Allow jump to cancel ziplines while keeping ability cancellation and movement abilities on separate keys.
  4. Make interacting with the zipline an interact key such as E (which I don't believe is currently binded to anything on default settings)