Zhang Wei


New member
Character Name: Zhang Wei, The Verdant Harvester

Background:Zhang Wei is a humble rice farmer from a remote village in ancient China, known for his deep connection with the land. For generations, his family has cultivated the fertile fields, mastering the art of agriculture. But Zhang Wei is no ordinary farmer. Blessed by the spirits of the earth and water, he wields the powers of nature itself. When his village is threatened by invaders, Zhang Wei steps forward, armed with his farming tools and the elemental forces at his command, to defend his home.

Appearance:Zhang Wei is a wiry, middle-aged man with tanned skin from years under the sun. He wears traditional farmer's attire: a straw hat, loose-fitting tunic, and pants. His hands are calloused from years of labor, but his eyes reflect a calm wisdom. He carries a wooden hoe with intricate carvings that glow with a faint green light, symbolizing his connection to the earth.


  1. Sowing Seeds (Q):
    • Description: Zhang Wei throws a handful of enchanted seeds in a targeted area, which quickly sprout into a patch of rice plants. These plants slow down enemies who pass through them and gradually heal allies over time. If left undisturbed, the plants grow stronger, increasing the effects of slow and healing.
    • Mechanics:
      • Slow: 20% slow for 2 seconds.
      • Healing: 10% of maximum health over 5 seconds.
      • Growth: After 5 seconds, slow increases to 40% and healing increases by 50%.
  2. Irrigation (W):
    • Description: Zhang Wei summons a channel of water that flows in a straight line, drenching enemies and empowering allies. Enemies hit by the water are drenched, reducing their movement speed and making them more vulnerable to crowd control effects. Allies who stand in the water gain increased movement speed and reduced cooldowns on their abilities.
    • Mechanics:
      • Drench: Reduces enemy movement speed by 30% and increases the duration of crowd control effects on them by 20% for 3 seconds.
      • Empowerment: Increases ally movement speed by 20% and reduces cooldowns by 10% for 3 seconds.
  3. Harvest Swing (E):
    • Description: Zhang Wei swings his hoe in a wide arc, dealing damage to all enemies in front of him. If he hits an enemy drenched by his Irrigation ability, the hoe siphons their energy, restoring Zhang Wei's health and increasing his attack damage for a short period.
    • Mechanics:
      • Damage: Deals physical damage equal to 100% of Zhang Wei's attack power.
      • Siphon: Restores 10% of Zhang Wei's missing health and increases attack damage by 20% for 5 seconds if an enemy is drenched.

Ultimate Ability:

Spirit of the Harvest (R):

  • Description: Zhang Wei channels the spirits of the earth and water, summoning a massive, ethereal rice field that covers a large area. The field pulses with life, healing all allies within it over time and greatly slowing any enemies caught inside. After a few seconds, the field erupts, sending out a shockwave that damages and knocks back enemies, while fully healing Zhang Wei and his allies.
  • Mechanics:
    • Healing: Allies gain 25% of their maximum health over 5 seconds.
    • Slow: Enemies are slowed by 60% while in the field.
    • Shockwave: Deals magic damage equal to 150% of Zhang Wei's attack power and knocks back enemies a short distance. Fully heals Zhang Wei and his allies within the field.

Zhang Wei is a versatile support or tank character, excelling at controlling the battlefield with his abilities. He can sustain his team with healing and buffs while disrupting enemy formations with slows and crowd control. His ultimate ability can turn the tide of battle, making him a crucial ally in team fights.