New hero idea: Banker.


Active member
Ability 1: Shadowy Charge
Description: Banker marks targeted enemies. Marked enemies take damage over time and have their damage resistance reduced.
Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Range: 24m
- Marked enemies have their damage resistance reduced by +10%.
- Can now mark all enemies within range.
- The mark deals additional damage based on the enemy's maximum health.

Ability 2: Cursed Deal
Description: Banker makes a dark pact, exchanging a portion of his health (10%) to deal massive spiritual damage to the target. If the enemy dies due to this ability, the Banker and his nearby allies recover 15% of their maximum health.
Cooldown: 22 seconds
Range: 20m
- Reduces the Banker's health cost to 5%.
- Increases spiritual damage dealt by 20%.
- Finishing an enemy with a cursed transaction grants 1 extra stack of payday.

Passive Skill (Skill 3): Payday.
Description: Every 60 seconds, the Banker grants 100 souls to his entire team, killing enemies grants stacks (maximum 3), each stack increases the payout by 100 souls, dying causes you to lose all stacks. (Assists also grant stacks)
- Reduces cooldown by 15 seconds.
- +50 Souls per stack.
- +2 Stacks.

Ultimate: Market Collapse
Description: The Banker summons a massive spiritual explosion that hits a large area, dealing massive damage based on the amount of souls collected by his team. The more souls his team has, the greater the damage the explosion deals.
Damage: Scales with the total number of souls collected by the team (e.g. 0.5 additional damage for every 100 souls)
Area of Effect: 18 meters
Cooldown: 110 seconds
- Targets hit by the explosion suffer a bleed that deals 3% of their maximum health as damage per second for 5 seconds.
- Reduces the cooldown by 27 seconds.
- The explosion also stuns enemies for 2 seconds.
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LMAO all these skills are waaay too powerful. most of them are better than most characters ultimate's.

Lets start at the top

Shadow charge: reducing resistances and doing damage. I'm assuming this is a ranged targeted attack and not a skill shot. extremely powerful especially since it hits all targets in a group at higher levels. the cooldown is also extremely low with some cooldown reduction and the skills duration you could have almost 100% uptime

Cursed deal: sounds basically like a super powered geist bomb that's again targeted as you don't specify if this is a skill shot or not. the fact it heals team mates and grants stacks of one of the most broken skills in the game is a whole other story.

Payday: 600-1800 souls a minute multiply that by 30 minutes and you're looking at 18000-54000 souls. that's almost doubling what the top farmed character on a team has, this would cause snowballing and would basically guarantee who ever gets this character wins. imagine no matter what during the laning phase you're getting almost double the souls the other team without having to worry about denying or outplaying the other team.

Market collapse by the 15-20 minute mark would be just instantly killing anyone, With cooldown reduction and refresher you'd have this to pretty much just instantly delete the other team everytime they respawned... and again Payday would make it easy to get these stats.