Yamato Crimson Slash bug with Quicksilver Reload & Mystic/Improved Burst


Crimson Slash damage can not be buffed by the items Quicksilver Reload and Mystic Burst/Improved burst.
You will get the free reload from Quicksilver Reload but not the damage, and you can never trigger the extra damage from Mystic/improved burst.
After some more testing, ive noticed that its not that you cant trigger either item but under some conditions you can and others you cant.
If you first buy Quicksilver Reload and then push the damage threshold of Crimson Slash over 80 (trigger for Mystic Burst) then burst wont trigger most of the time. But if you first push the damage over 80 at a base and then add Quicksilver Reload on top it works.
If you get Burst first and then Quicksilver Reload after that it does work consistently but only if you exclude the damage from Quicksilver Reload.

This makes me think Quicksilver Reload 50 damage is not calculated consistently for Mythic Burst to trigger, and only under some conditions does it trigger while including the 50 damage in the calculations.

Not sure if the 50 damage is even intended to be calculated in the damage to trigger Mystic Burst, but sometimes it does most of the time it does not.
Its even more complicated than this is seems. I have been trying to trigger Improved Burst with Crimson Slash using Spirit resist reduction and amp.
And even with damage exeeding 140... Improved burst wont trigger (threshold 125).
So it might just be that Crimson Slash is bugged in damage calculation, and the items Quicksilver Reload and Mystic/Improved Burst are working just fine.
Just to add to this, if you put quicksilver reload on power slash the first power slash will not get the bonus spirit damage from quicksilver but the next power slash you cast will no matter how long you wait in between power slashes.